Home » The Healing Power of Running: How a Daily Hour of Running Can Improve Mental Health

The Healing Power of Running: How a Daily Hour of Running Can Improve Mental Health

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The Healing Power of Running: How a Daily Hour of Running Can Improve Mental Health

Running for an hour every day has become a crucial habit for renowned Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, winner of the Princess of Asturias of Letters 2023. In his book “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running,” Murakami acknowledges that running not only provides him with personal time but also has a significant impact on his mental health.

Running is more than just physical exercise; it has been proven to have a positive effect on mental health. According to a review published in the Annual Review of Medicine, people who engage in regular exercise, particularly aerobic training, have better mental health compared to those who are sedentary. Research suggests that exercise can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, which is why it is included in the treatment recommendations of the American Psychiatric Association.

Exercise, including running, has been found to improve mood and cognitive function. It increases blood circulation to the brain, stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and affects various brain regions, including the limbic system, which regulates emotions and moods. Running also requires coordinated movements and balance, which engage the prefrontal cortex, a brain region involved in cognition and mood regulation.

Compared to other forms of exercise that require less coordination, such as cycling, running has been shown to have more positive effects on mood and executive function. The mechanical impact of each foot strike during running increases blood circulation, benefiting brain activation.

The environment in which one chooses to run also plays a role in the mental benefits of running. Running in natural environments, such as parks, fields, or mountains, provides a reset and mental clarity that may be lacking in urban areas. Nature has a calming effect on the mind, leading to increased disconnection and mental well-being.

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The positive effects of running on mood and emotional regulation have been linked to the release of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. However, recent research suggests that another molecule, endocannabinoids, may also play a role in the euphoric and relaxed feelings experienced after running.

Before starting a running routine, it is important to undergo a medical fitness examination to ensure one’s health and suitability for the activity. Strength training is also essential to prevent injuries and improve overall performance. Alternating walking and running is a good way to start for beginners, gradually increasing running time.

Listening to one’s body and paying attention to any discomfort or pain is crucial to avoid potential injuries. Rest days and proper recovery are just as important as training itself. Running in green environments and nourishing the body with adequate nutrition are additional factors to consider for a well-rounded running routine.

In conclusion, running for an hour every day has become a transformative habit for Haruki Murakami, benefiting his mental health and overall well-being. Research supports the positive effects of running on mood, cognitive function, and overall mental health. It is important to approach running with caution, ensuring medical fitness and proper training techniques to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of injuries.

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