Home » Dispute in the left – refugee activist Carola Rackete wants to hold on to the top candidate for the European elections

Dispute in the left – refugee activist Carola Rackete wants to hold on to the top candidate for the European elections

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Dispute in the left – refugee activist Carola Rackete wants to hold on to the top candidate for the European elections

German activist Carola Rackete is the Left Party’s top candidate in the European elections. (picture alliance / KEYSTONE / URS FLUEELER) She still wants to work for the renewal of the party, she said on Deutschlandfunk. She also intends to work in Brussels to reduce the influence of lobbyists on political decisions.

The board of the Left had proposed Rackete in mid-July as a non-party candidate for the European elections. Party leader Wissler said the proposal stands for a restart of the party and for a strong political force to the left of the traffic light coalition. Criticism of the nomination came from the environment of the Bundestag member Wagenknecht and the former Left Chairman Ernst. He said that at her first press conference, Rackete had taken positions that were hardly compatible with the program of the left.

You can read the full interview here (PDF)

This message was broadcast on Deutschlandfunk on August 18, 2023.

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