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New projects support development in Azilal

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New projects support development in Azilal

Hespress Photo destinations: Hespress Hamid Rezky from AzilalSaturday 19 August 2023 – 18:29

Today, Saturday, the worker of the Azilal region, Muhammad Atfawi, on the occasion of the anniversary of the King and the People’s Revolution and the Youth Day, presided over the inauguration ceremonies, giving a launch and presenting development projects and workshops in the Azilal municipality.

In this regard, Mohamed Atfaoui launched the project to create an area for economic activities in Azilal (share of roads, liquid disinfection, and supply of drinking water), funded by the Beni Mellal-Khenifra Region Council and the Ministry of Trade and Industry, which aims to reduce disturbing professions within the city, organize craftsmen and improve Their income is in places befitting them.

The same soil official also presided over the inauguration of the covered swimming pool project, which costs 18,61,288 dirhams, funded by the General Directorate of Territorial Communities, the Region Council, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the Regional Council. This project is considered among the important projects that have been achieved in the region, especially as it is characterized by high-quality specifications and provides young people with a fully equipped sports hall.

The provincial worker also laid the foundation stone for the construction of the road station project (the first part) on an area estimated at about 5 hectares, funded by the General Directorate of Territorial Collectivities, the Regional Council and the Territorial Collective of Azilal, with a sum of money amounting to 7 million 501 thousand and 391 dirhams.

On the same occasion, Atfaoui, who was accompanied by the President of the Council of the Beni Mellal-Khenifra Region, the President of the Regional Council of Azilal, the President of the territorial commune, the heads of the concerned departments and a number of civil and security personalities, inaugurated the vegetable and fish market funded by the General Directorate of Territorial Authorities-Regional Council of the territorial commune of Azilal with investment Financial estimated at 7 million and 649 thousand and 390 dirhams.

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This social and solidarity project, which targets more than 60 people, includes a space for fish that includes 32 shops selling fish, a space for fruits and vegetables that includes 16 shops, and a space for foodstuffs and spices that includes eight shops and an authority to monitor the quality of the products offered, not to mention the health facilities.

The governor of the Azilal province, accompanied by his accompanying delegation, was briefed on the construction works of the House of Solidarity Economy, which cost 5,979,660 dirhams, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Social and Solidarity Economy and the Council of the Beni Mellal Khenifra Region. The same territorial official also visited the construction works of the health center and functional housing, which falls within the framework of the program to reduce spatial and social disparities in the rural world, funded by the Rural Development Fund, with an estimated budget of 911,818.80 dirhams.

Azilal projects Mohammed Atfawi

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