Home » Liberia: “The interventions of the African Development Bank have had a positive impact in our country”, declares the Liberian envoy to the executive director of the constituency – Capsud.net

Liberia: “The interventions of the African Development Bank have had a positive impact in our country”, declares the Liberian envoy to the executive director of the constituency – Capsud.net

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Liberia: “The interventions of the African Development Bank have had a positive impact in our country”, declares the Liberian envoy to the executive director of the constituency – Capsud.net

Partnership for Development: The Liberian President’s Envoy hails the African Development Bank’s transformational interventions across Africa.

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, August 21, 2023 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/ — The President of Liberia, George Manneh Weah, has hailed the “significant” support of the African Development Bank Group in promoting the growth and development in this West African country.

In a message delivered by the Liberian Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire, Willye Mai King, President Weah thanked the Bank Group, led by Mr. Akinwumi Adesina, for its crucial support to Liberia, including financing the construction of the Harper-Fish Town highway.

Ambassador King relayed the message to Rufus N. Darkortey, the Bank’s Executive Director representing the Constituency of The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Sudan, during a working visit to Headquarters of the Bank in Abidjan. The meeting explored ways to strengthen bilateral relations between Liberia and the Bank.

Mr. King stressed the importance of continued cooperation to promote economic growth and social progress in Liberia and across the African continent, while supporting the growth of the Bank.

Welcoming the Ambassador, Mr. Darkortey, of Liberian origin, commended President Weah and the people of Liberia for their efforts in implementing reforms and projects for sustainable development. He reiterated his office’s commitment to supporting Liberia’s development agenda and those of other constituency members in line with strategic engagements with the Bank.

Mr. Darkortey thanked Ambassador King for his long service to the Bank as a former employee. Mr. King previously worked at the Bank for approximately 25 years in various capacities. The meeting concluded with the reaffirmation of the commitment of both parties to work closely together to advance sustainable development in Liberia and Africa while supporting a stronger Bank.

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Mr. King was accompanied by the Consul of the Liberian Embassy in Abidjan, Philip Scolo.

The Ambassador’s visit shows the importance of the partnership between Liberia and the African Development Bank, which dates back to the 1960s when Liberia, represented by Romeo Alexander Horton, then Governor of the Central Bank, conceived and implemented the vision to create the African Development Bank.

In 2013, the Bank provided US$55.91 million in blended finance for the Fish Town-Harper Road Phase I project.

As of July 14, 2023, Bank loans and grants totaled $916.64 million and the current active portfolio in Liberia comprises 16 operations for a total commitment of $378.79 million across various sectors. The transport sector is the largest beneficiary with 60.6% of total commitments, followed by energy (25.2%), agriculture (8.0%), multi-sector (4.8% ), finance (1%) and social (0.4%).

Distributed by African Media Agency (AMA) for the AfDB.

Source : African Media Agency (AMA)

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