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On Saturday, August 22nd 1998 saw the first BELT NIGHTWALK instead, with open-air stages at the local B72, CHELSEA and rhiz. A quarter of a century of city and pop culture history later, the participating venues of the NIGHTWALK, this prototypical Viennese pop festival where the music culture of this city is lived every day, have multiplied.

In addition to the open-air stages mentioned, there has been a fourth opportunity to experience outdoor music live at LOOP/GÜRTELBRÄU for years during late-summer nightwalking. These stages traditionally enjoy a lot of attention. A lot of exciting things are offered on them year after year, this year on August 26th it is specifically at the B72 and Laikkaat the CHELSEA Hypnotic Floor and Peter Hein in the acoustic shadow (an all-star formation around Fehlfarben singer Peter Hein), at the Loop/Gürtelbräu Candlelight Ficus and residentsat the rhiz Mermaid And Seafruit and Loud questions.

And exactly, later the music bear tap-dances in the pubs, with live and DJ acts! A special mention deserves the presentation of the compilation “re:composed II” with numerous musicians appearing in the Cube.

But that’s not all, on the occasion of the anniversary there is also an exhibition of all posters nightwalk and for the first time a night market where designers and artists make the results of their creative work visible until 10 p.m. and also offer them for sale.

All in all, definitely not only for the hosts, Stefanie Lamp, Chairwoman of the Culture Commission in Ottakring, Stefanie Vasold, Municipal Councilor from Josefstadt and Peter Jagsch, District Manager Hernals (all SPÖ), a reason to celebrate!

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The opening will take place at 6:00 p.m. at the B72.
Admission to all events is free! You can find the entire program at https://www.guertelnightwalk.at/

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