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Two former police officers will be sentenced for inducing cadets of the institution into prostitution – news

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Two former police officers will be sentenced for inducing cadets of the institution into prostitution – news

For the first time in history, ICETEX develops an educational credit line that adjusts to the realities of academic merit for students from the most vulnerable territories.

This is the Special Line of Territorial Credit with a Social Focus that the most humane ICETEX allocates to students with the greatest needs in the country.

The modality evidences a social credit that recognizes the educational realities in the regions so that more and more students from the targeted territories access higher education.

“This support option for Colombians is intended for undergraduate programs at technical, technological and university levels of training,” said the president of ICETEX, Mauricio Toro, who stressed that this line of social credit has special benefits for young people belonging to 191 municipalities targeted by their specific conditions, who, due to their score in State tests, found difficulties in access to higher education for their inhabitants.

The creation of this new form of financing will allow the entity to fulfill its mission of promoting access to higher education in Colombia, contributing to closing the inequality gap and providing support to the most vulnerable classes in the country. “Another advantage of this educational credit line is that it will allow ICETEX to expand its reach and reach municipalities where it currently has a low number of credits granted,” said Mauricio Toro.

The selection of the 191 municipalities with the most vulnerable population in the country is a strategic measure to focus resources on the areas that need it most and take into account specific conditions such as geographic location, level of access to higher education, and socioeconomic vulnerability. , among other.

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The social nature of the territorial line makes it possible to make the conditions of access to higher education more flexible, allowing students to apply based on academic merit who, due to the characterization of their municipality, will be able to enter with State tests of 170 points, which was previously impossible.

Also, the new form of financing allows granting a benefit, with compliance with requirements, of interest rate subsidy during all stages of the educational loan (IPC+0% in study period, in grace period and in repayment period). . It allows to pay 100% of the credit after completing the studies in a period of double the period financed.

The main requirements to request this special credit are belonging to one of the municipalities prioritized by vulnerable population, Sisbén score between cutoffs A1 and C7, being admitted to an undergraduate program at a Higher Education Institution recognized by the Ministry of Education National, being Colombian and having the Saber 11 tests required by each municipality, among others.

To consult requirements and other information on the new territorial line of credit, as well as make their application, applicants must enter the following link: https://web.icetex.gov.co/es/-/linea-territorial-tu-pagas-el-0-del-credito-mientras-estudias

See the list of the 191 selected municipalities and the academic merit score required for each one in https://goo.su/bMdU8H5

Source: ICETEX

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