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Kaleidoscope Jose Penuela August 29, 2023 – 5:00 AM

“It is necessary to accelerate the execution of public spending to contribute to the reactivation of the economy. But, given the high level of the deficit and public debt, it is also necessary to give clear signs of fiscal sustainability”,

Jose Antonio Ocampo,

Ex minister

“Why is the Prosecutor’s Office turning a blind eye to the investigation of the Italian prosecutor’s office for bribes of 40 million euros that would be given to Duque government officials for the purchase of Italian warplanes?”

Juan Carlos Florez,

political analyst

“Week to find a job! In Bogotá we have more than 30,000 formal, dignified, and decent job offers for different profiles, through the Payment for Results program.”

Claudia Lopez,

Mayor of Bogota

Another irregularity or illegality in Petro’s campaign financing. Ricardo Roa, Petro’s campaign manager, must resign from the presidency of Ecopetrol.”

Miguel Uribe Turbay,

uribista senator

“That the duo Cesar Gaviria and Rudolf Hommes -the duo of the anti-national ‘Economic Opening’, of the neoliberal counter-reforms to health, labor and pensions- now say they want to take care of our health, work and pensions. You don’t know whether to laugh or rage…”.

Wilson Arias,

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Senator of the Pole

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