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Extraordinary Disinfestation to Combat Dengue Outbreak in Codogno

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Extraordinary Disinfestation to Combat Dengue Outbreak in Codogno

Codogno, a city in Italy, is facing yet another challenge amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from the virus, the municipality is now grappling with Dengue, a mosquito-borne disease. In response, the local authorities have organized an extraordinary disinfestation operation in two specific areas of the city.

The decision to carry out the disinfestation came after it was discovered that two people had tested positive for the Aedes mosquito virus. One of them is a resident of Castiglione, while the other hails from a different region. Both individuals had been admitted to the hospital and treated at a clinic in the downtown area.

The municipality, in collaboration with the healthcare institutions, has planned targeted treatments to eliminate the Aedes mosquito population in the affected areas. The goal is to curb the spread of the Dengue virus and protect the residents from potential outbreaks.

Francesco Passerini, the mayor of Codogno, reassured the public that there is no need for panic and emphasized that the disinfestation activity is a precautionary measure. He stated, ā€œNo scaremongering, itā€™s a precautionary activity.ā€

With the ongoing threat of COVID-19 and now the emergence of Dengue, the municipality is taking proactive steps to mitigate the risks associated with these infectious diseases. The residents are encouraged to adhere to the preventive measures advised by health authorities, such as using mosquito repellents, wearing protective clothing, and eliminating stagnant water sources that serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

The local government is closely monitoring the situation and working in collaboration with healthcare professionals to promptly identify and treat any potential Dengue cases. They urge the public to remain vigilant and report any symptoms or mosquito-related concerns to the relevant authorities.

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The combined efforts of the municipality, healthcare institutions, and the public are crucial in effectively managing these health risks. By taking these proactive measures, Codogno aims to control the spread of Dengue and ensure the well-being of its citizens while battling the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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