Home » MUSA, a thousand researchers to change the face of Milan

MUSA, a thousand researchers to change the face of Milan

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MUSA, a thousand researchers to change the face of Milan

An algorithm to find the hidden water tables from Milan. And again: a software based on artificial intelligence for monitoring ofhate speech online. Or a dashboard to better manage the potential of telemedicine and a project of desalination to use rainwater in agriculture and other areas, avoiding waste. These are just some of the research activities that are taking shape in the context of Musa (Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action), a maxi-project born last year from the collaboration between the University of Milano-Bicocca, the Politecnico di Milano, Bocconi and the University of Milan. At the base there is a funding from the Ministry of University and Research through a total investment of 116 million euros.

An action plan dedicated to the digitization of Milan and to integrated research in which 20 partners participate. Overall, 973 researchers are at work in over one hundred lines of activity: of these, 194 are newly hired researchers, 55% women and with an average age of 32 years. In fact, Musa is not just a maxi-project of applied research for Milan but a prospective model to be replicated in other territories and with other partners.

The first balance sheet of Musa was presented this morning in the Bicocca main hall – among the guests were the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, the councilor for university, research and innovation of the Lombardy Region, Alessandro Fermi, and the councilor for Innovation and sustainability policies in the university and research fields also in implementation of the Pnrr del Mur, Alessandra Gallone – between urban regeneration, digitization, technological entrepreneurship and social inclusion.

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On the first front, one of the main projects is the one that plans to exploit thegeothermal energy of the subsoil and thePhotovoltaics to make Milano-Bicocca a zero-emission campus. The university’s energy transition project kicked off on 12 June and will be replicable in other areas of the city. The study of patents for desealing to use rainwater in agriculture and other areas. Bocconi has the task of evaluating the economic, social and environmental impact of these new urban regeneration systems.

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From intelligent and sustainable transport to health and green energy, the use of 5G technologies and artificial intelligence will allow an optimization of the work capacity on big data to support, digitize and implement a series of services useful to citizens, such as telemedicine and remote monitoring for frail people. To coordinate the project, the Statale.

Technological Entrepreneurship

Fundamental to Musa’s objectives is the synergy between the academic and business worlds. 17 technological scouting activities have been launched involving the Politecnico di Milano and the other universities. The project StartCup Lombardiapromoted by the Region and organized by the four universities of Musa, aims to support technological innovation and encourage the birth and development of new companies with high business potential.?On 30 November and 1 December, then, with the support of the region and in collaboration with the Pni Cube association, Musa will host the National Innovation Awardthe national competition involving the winners of the regional start-up challenges.

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Sustainable innovation and living labs

Musa also actively involves citizens in its projects, in addition to the academic and scientific world. Expression of this virtuous coexistence are the sei Living labs created by the Polytechnic and the University of Milan: these are research laboratories which, through interaction with different categories of users, will improve the living conditions of citizens and the quality of the environment.

Social inclusion

Is called Human Hall and it is a real “rights hub” created in collaboration with the business world, the third sector and local institutions. Under the guidance of the State University, teachers, researchers and doctoral students from various disciplinary fields have started 18 projects dedicated to monitoring risk categories, from foreigners to women victims of violence. In the same context, software based on artificial intelligence has also been developed for monitoring online hate speech. Also within the projects dedicated to social inclusion are the baptized one Digital Pacts aimed at minors, in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan, e B-Youth Forumas part of the Generations Festival: a research laboratory organized by Bicocca open to young people aged between 14 and 25 on issues of participation in public space.

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