Home » Sun Kil Moon – Santa Ana

Sun Kil Moon – Santa Ana

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Sun Kil Moon – Santa Ana

von Oliver
am 7. September 2023
in Reviews

And one more single before the official release of Quiet Beach House Nights? Not at all! Santa Ana is (for the time being at least?) a 20 minute neoclassical standalone jam by Mark Kozelek under the Sun Kil Moon-Banner.

For a number that is practically purely instrumental, in which only rarely vocal vocalizations (“dadadadada“), Kozelek returns to soft nylon strings on his acoustic guitar to create a graceful melody, plucked with melancholic thoughtfulness and dignified poise, which glides from one segment to the next in wonderfully clear passages, in a lively and elegiac tempo and interpretation varies, sometimes more agitated and sometimes calmer, developing an almost progressive segment dynamic, dreamily and mystically waving, condensing in detail and yet creating reduced structured space, factually precise and playfully motivated.
Associative approximately between Yes and Daniel Rossen bewitching, not all seams and gear changes are included Santa Ana completely interwoven, sometimes the jam seems more constructed than following a purely instinctive flow, but the 20 minutes of playing time pass in an absorbing amusement, atmospherically engaging and, pausing Kozelek’s consciousness-stream lyrics, create a pleasant (and nevertheless variable, exciting lasting) deep breathing, that (if that came out of nowhere without any additional information Santa Ana should not be placed retrospectively in a different, higher-level context) knows how to stand for itself.

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