Home » FdI, Meloni: attack on the internal minority, “did the lobbies flatter you?”

FdI, Meloni: attack on the internal minority, “did the lobbies flatter you?”

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FdI, Meloni: attack on the internal minority, “did the lobbies flatter you?”

Giorgia Meloni Fdi Assembly

Meloni to Fdi, I will continue to be president as long as you want

“For us, the secretary is a figure that doesn’t exist. There is the president, and her name is Giorgia Meloni, and until you decide to replace me I will exercise that role. And I intend to continue to be president of Fratelli d’Italia. But couldn’t it be that all this nervousness about assignments betrays nervousness about a world impervious to the flattery and interests of the lobbyists who for years have led the charge in the institutions of the Republic? Well, that’s another thing I’m very proud of. It is the advantage of not being blackmailable, of being able to remain honest”. This is the “argument”, from what we learn, of Giorgia Meloni at the national assembly of the Brothers of Italy. Meloni’s dig is directed towards the internal current which refers to Fabio Rampelli, the latter’s protagonist, in the last weeks of a request for congress. Among the reasons for the friction is the appointment of Arianna Meloni as head of the FdI secretariat.

FdI, Meloni at Assembly, challenging matches await us

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni began her report to the FdI National Assembly by claiming the party’s pride in what has been done so far, but now – as I underlined – challenging matches await us. The Prime Minister then underlined the need for a commitment in view, above all, of the administrative and European elections.

National Assembly of the Brothers of Italy. Standing ovation for Meloni

Fdi, Meloni, Arianna penalized because she is my sister

“There was talk of Arianna Meloni, a militant since she was 17, always penalized by the fact of being my sister”. According to what we learn, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this while speaking at the Fdi assembly. They deliberately and instrumentally confused an organizational role such as that of political secretariat with that of secretary of the Brothers of Italy. Except that in our country the secretary is a figure that doesn’t exist”, explained the prime minister.

Government, Meloni, mud even on family members. It’s boomerang

“In recent months we have seen everything. The continuous fake scandal campaigns, the dossiers, the continuous requests for the resignation of this or that other. Every single manager has been examined, often even simple sympathizers, in search of of nothing. The gratuitous mudslinging even on family members, with investigations lasting months on friends and relatives, my personal history has been x-rayed practically from the day I was born.” According to what we learn, Prime Minister Giorgi Meloni said this. “In the end, it was a boomerang, because – the prime minister remarked – they only managed to demonstrate that I was exactly the person I said I was. Then they attached themselves to the party organizational charts, here too with surreal stories, to tell the closed, familistic, barricaded party”, said Meloni again.

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National Assembly of the Brothers of Italy, here are the images


”In any case we will continue not to respond to these provocations. We don’t have time to play mud wrestling with them, because we are busy flying high and looking far ahead, at long-term projects, to be built brick by brick. And to give Italy a strategy that it hasn’t had for years”, a “pride that it had forgotten, a stability that is the basis of every true change possible”. Giorgia Meloni said this in her speech at the National Assembly of Fdi in Rome.

FdI, Rampelli: but what internal opposition. I founded the party

“I will listen to the report” by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and “I reiterate that there is no internal opposition, much less one that can refer to me, who founded this party”. Thus Fabio Rampelli, vice president of the Chamber, on the sidelines of the national assembly of the Brothers of Italy. “We are right on the moon. In fact you are on the moon”, he said while speaking to reporters.

FdI: Ciriani, we are here thanks to Meloni. Let everyone remember it

“Giorgia Meloni decides why she is the best of all of us. If we got here it is thanks to her, everyone should remember that.” Luca Ciriani responds thus to those who ask him about the debate on internal democracy in FdI. “The party – continues the Minister for Relations with Parliament, arriving at the FdI National Assembly – will be united, much more than united. Who – he reiterates – could question Giorgia Meloni’s leadership?”.

Giorgia Meloni arrives at the national assembly of Fratelli d’Italia

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