Home » “From castle to castle”, trekking along the Via delle Rocche [notiziediprato.it]

“From castle to castle”, trekking along the Via delle Rocche [notiziediprato.it]

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“From castle to castle”, trekking along the Via delle Rocche [notiziediprato.it]

Saturday is the last event of the widespread festival which celebrates the first birthday of the route which winds between Montemurlo and the Val di Bisenzio. The initiative has a limited number of places and it is necessary to book

“From castle to castle – Along the via delle Rocche” is the last event of the widespread festival which celebrates the first birthday of “La via delle Rocche” and which has achieved great success for all the events in the program. Saturday 16 September, starting from 8 in the morning and for the whole day on the calendar, there is a guided trek from the Melagrana tower to Rocca Cerbaia.

“It is a beautiful route, which in addition to touching two of the Rocche del Cammino, will give the opportunity to immerse oneself in the beautiful landscape of Calvana, along the ancient medieval streets that crossed the territory, and to touch some historical places of great charm, such as the village of Mezzana restored by the Rebuilding Fathers in prayer and the parish church of Montecuccoli”, explain the councilors of Cantagallo Maila Grazzini and Vaiano Beatrice Boni, illustrating an event that the two Municipalities promoted together, with the collaboration of the Cdse Foundation and Legambiente Lawn.

The route will also allow you to get to know some realities of valorisation of products and territory such as the Frantoio della Valle del Bisenzio and the Agriturismo Santo Stefano.

The trek includes a maximum of 50 people, is led by Legambiente guides Giulia Padovani and Tommaso Chiani and enriched by the historical, archaeological and legendary explanations of Luisa Ciardi and Alessia Cecconi of the Cdse.

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The meeting is at 8 in the morning at the Valle del Bisenzio oil mill in Sofignano. The route is approximately 16 kilometers in total and lasts 8 hours including stops and an independent packed lunch in the village of Mezzana, in the reception space made available by the “Tutto è Vita” Association. Arrival is expected at 4pm at the Rocca di Cerbaia bridge, return to the starting point by free shuttle bus. You will need a backpack with padded shoulder straps, an adequate supply of water, lunch, a hat, sunglasses, sun cream, shoes with sculpted soles, adequate clothing and a k-way useful in case of rain. The habit of walking is required.

The contribution required for the full day guided trek is 15 euros for adults, 10 euros for children up to 11 years old. Reservation is mandatory because places are limited, on the website www.visitvalbisenzio.it

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