Home » Rome, boom in the meetings industry. Italy third in the world for conferences hosted

Rome, boom in the meetings industry. Italy third in the world for conferences hosted

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Rome, boom in the meetings industry.  Italy third in the world for conferences hosted

Italy is racing in the meetings industry, 522 conferences hosted in Rome

The market of meeting industry its recovery phase continues both in Italy and in the rest of the world. 2022 can be seen as the turning point year, the one in which even the last restrictions fell and there was a full return to in-person events. Going to analyze the congress and convention sector the data regarding it is more positive than ever.

After two years of absence, in fact, the ICC – International Congress and Convention Association has once again published the ranking of the countries and cities that hosted the greatest number of congresses and conferences in 2022. A ranking that sees Italy leap onto the podium and rise to third place behind only United States e Spain. A clear leap forward compared to sixth place in the latest ranking of 2019 (the last year not affected by the pandemic) which allowed Italy to put Germany, France and the United Kingdom behind it.

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There were 690 meetings hosted in the United States which confirmed the lead, 528 in Spain and 522 in Italy where the return to the numbers of 2019, when the conferences were 550, is ever closer. If we then move on to analyze the ranking of cities, Vienna gains 5 positions and with 162 conference events hosted leads the ranking ahead of Lisbon which, with 144 matches, confirms its second place Paris which slips from first place in 2019 to third with 134 events. There are two Italian cities in the top 20 positions Roma in 14th place with 79 conference events and Milano in 18th place with 66. A sign that the sector MICE Italian can involve several cities, in addition to the two metropolises, Bologna, Florence and Turin should also be noted in 35th, 60th and 70th place respectively.

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