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over 100 in 24 hours, schools closed

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over 100 in 24 hours, schools closed

He continues seismic swarm in the area of Marradi Neighbor Firenzeepicenter of earthquake of magnitude 4.9 which took place on Monday 18 September. Different shocks were recorded by INGV seismographs in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, the strongest of magnitude 3.2. And the mayor of Marradi decided as a precaution to close schools also for today Wednesday 20 September.

New earthquake shocks in Marradi

After last Monday’s 4.9 magnitude earthquake, the seismic swarm continues inUpper Tuscany, in the Marradi area. Numerous cases were recorded during the night aftershocks.

The strongest, of magnitude 3.2was registered by Ingv at 0:50, with an epicenter 3 kilometers from Marradi and a hypocenter 7 km deep. And it was followed 12 minutes later by another shock of magnitude 3.0.

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Then other tremors occurred size higher than 2: one of magnitude 2.1 at 1:10 am, three of 2.4 at 1:29 am, 3:35 am and 5:24 am and yet another of magnitude 2.0 at dawn, at 6:06 am.

The situation in Marradi

“Even this night – the president of the Tuscany Region wrote on social media, Eugenio Giani – the support of the regional civil protection system to the population continues”. The aftershocks recorded during the night did not cause any damage.

According to reports The nationfrom the checks carried out so far they are one ten the homes declared unusable in Marradi after Monday’s earthquake, about twenty people were displaced.

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About ten homes declared unfit for habitation in Marradi

Schools closed in Marradi

Considering the situation and the continuation of the seismic swarm, the mayor of Marradi makes it known with a post on the Municipality’s Facebook page that even today schools will remain closed as a precaution.

“Given the progress of the seismic swarm last night – we read – as a precaution we are once again preparing to close all schools of all levels in the municipal area of ​​Marradi for today, Wednesday 20 September”.

Photo source: Tuttocittà.it

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