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The Urgent Need for the State Public Health Agency: Insights from the XXII National Congress

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The Urgent Need for the State Public Health Agency: Insights from the XXII National Congress

The Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Health Management (SESPMPyGS) is currently hosting its XXII National Congress, which will conclude on September 22. The congress is discussing various topics in the field of health, taking into consideration the current health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite having the pandemic under control, experts emphasize the importance of not letting our guard down. The role of preventive medicine specialists and professionals working in public health and management is becoming increasingly relevant.

Last February, the Ministry of Health emphasized the urgent need for the creation of the State Public Health Agency. The agency was proposed as a means to plan and anticipate future health crises. However, despite being deemed a priority, the agency is yet to be established. It is crucial for the agency to become a reality and have an independent professional structure, adequate resources, and the ability to retain talent. The agency should also strive to become an international reference in the field of public health, adopting a depoliticized approach and conducting independent reports, including healthcare quality evaluation.

A preliminary draft for the creation of the agency was published a year ago, but discussions surrounding its establishment seem to have been forgotten. The risk of neglecting the agency is as concerning as forgetting about the impact of COVID-19 and the potential of future crises. It is essential for parliamentary groups to propose legislative projects that would enable progressive advancements in public health. The participation of Autonomous Communities is also crucial, ensuring an autonomous structure that addresses health determinants and inequality.

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Furthermore, other legislative projects that require urgent attention include the General Health Law of 1986, which needs to be updated to align with the current focus on prevention and public health. It is necessary to push political leaders to act according to the expectations and needs of society. Health authorities must engage in listening, dialogue, and internal debate with expert groups and specialists. The responsibility also lies with political representatives, governments, and oppositions to address relevant issues.

The recent debate at the Palma Congress of the SESPMPyGA between major political parties, the Popular Party and the Socialist Party, sheds light on the priorities in the field of health. Urgent issues related to prevention were discussed, particularly the development of vaccination strategies for both pediatric and adult populations, addressing diseases such as COVID-19, flu, RSV, pneumonia, and herpes zoster. Bacterial resistance, which is a priority for the EU, calls for a One Health approach and increased research and development for new antibiotics. There is also a pressing need for specialists in preventive medicine and public health, as well as improved hospital services and regulated hiring. Integration and resource optimization are essential in healthcare management, necessitating a redesign of these areas and the identification of reference hospitals to collaborate with others.

The reflections and discussions held at the Palma Congress highlight the urgency and importance of addressing these issues without delay. Health administrations and politicians have a duty to protect the health of society and must take these matters into account.

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