Home » The Rise of Zhou Dongyu: From ‘Little Yellow Duck’ to Queen of the Big Screen

The Rise of Zhou Dongyu: From ‘Little Yellow Duck’ to Queen of the Big Screen

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Zhou Dongyu’s fantasy movie life

This year has been a game-changing one for Chinese actress Zhou Dongyu, as she has starred in three movies that have already been released or are set to hit theaters soon. And to everyone’s surprise, she has quietly and effortlessly dominated the Chinese film industry by winning nearly every best actress award available.

Despite not being considered an exceptionally talented actress, Zhou Dongyu has become a leader among her fellow young actresses without encountering any major obstacles along the way. Her journey towards stardom began when she was cast as the lead in Zhang Yimou’s film “The Love of the Hawthorn Tree”. Based on a beloved novel that has captivated countless readers, the movie has been highly anticipated by fans.

“I was a huge fan of the original novel and bought multiple copies because I found it incredibly fascinating,” said one fan. “The simple and unpretentious writing style, combined with the unfinished love story between Jing Qiu and Lao San, always tugged at my heartstrings.”

Zhang Yimou was meticulous in his search for the perfect actress to embody the character of Jing Qiu. He required the auditioning actresses to be beautiful, young, and possess a natural shyness. However, despite shooting more than 6,000 videos, Zhang Yimou struggled to find his ideal Jing Qiu. Even popular actress Liu Yifei was rejected for the role.

When Zhou Dongyu was announced as the chosen actress for Jing Qiu, doubts and disappointment arose among fans. Many felt that she didn’t fit the image of Jing Qiu they had in their minds, as she was too young and not as physically plump as described in the novel. However, Zhang Yimou saw something in Zhou Dongyu’s youthful appearance that perfectly aligned with the character of Jing Qiu.

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Initially, “The Love of the Hawthorn Tree” received mixed reviews, and Zhou Dongyu’s performance was overshadowed by the average reception of the film. Many doubted whether she could replicate the success she had achieved with her breakout role in “The Girl” due to her seemingly ordinary appearance.

But Zhou Dongyu proved everyone wrong and embarked on a miraculous journey of winning awards after awards. She won the Outstanding Newcomer Award at the Huabiao Award for her role in “The Love of the Hawthorn Tree”. She also received the Most Watched Actress Award at the Chinese Film Media Awards for “My Deskmate” and won the Best Actress Award at multiple film festivals for “July and Ansheng”. Moreover, she took home the Best Actress Award at the 8th Macau International Film Festival for “Lies of Sicily” and received accolades such as the Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award, and Academy Award for her performance in “Young You”.

Zhou Dongyu’s rise to success in the acting industry is nothing short of extraordinary. Despite not conforming to society’s traditional standards of beauty, with her small eyes, flat nose, and short stature, she has managed to win the hearts of audiences as the queen of the big screen.

Unlike her contemporaries, such as Tan Songyun, Zhao Liying, Song Yi, Yang Zi, and Li Qin, whose careers have primarily focused on television dramas, Zhou Dongyu has taken on leading roles in films. This lack of choice has allowed directors to witness her growth on screen. From innocence to portraying artistic characters, Zhou Dongyu has garnered critical acclaim and awards along the way.

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Zhang Yimou’s eye for selecting talented actresses has played a significant role in Zhou Dongyu’s success. Her naturally expressive face has not been altered by plastic surgery, allowing her to truly convey emotions on screen. Additionally, her mentor likely cautioned her against pursuing internet celebrity status solely based on her appearance, enabling her to delve deeper into her craft and showcase her inner drama.

Interestingly, before Zhou Dongyu, Zhang Jingchu was the last actress to possess the allure and temperament of a literary film. Despite being from different generations, Zhou Dongyu has seamlessly transitioned into the realm of literary films since “The Next Us”. While other actresses may struggle to find roles after the age of thirty, Zhou Dongyu continues to impress with her performances in films such as “Burning Winter” and “Parrot Killing”.

The public’s perception of beauty as a prerequisite for successful acting may have initially held Zhou Dongyu back. However, her undeniable talent and success have cemented her position as a force to be reckoned with in the industry. Despite the occasional mockery of her appearance, Zhou Dongyu remains confident and unaffected, knowing that she has emerged as the reigning actress of her generation.

In a field dominated by flawless beauties, Zhou Dongyu’s ability to captivate audiences with her incredible performances proves that talent reigns supreme. Her extraordinary journey from an “ugly duckling” to the queen of the big screen is truly fantastic.

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