Home » Zhou Xun’s Emotional Breakdown: Tears Flow as ‘Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace’ Scene Takes a Realistic Turn

Zhou Xun’s Emotional Breakdown: Tears Flow as ‘Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace’ Scene Takes a Realistic Turn

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Zhou Xun’s Emotional Breakdown: Tears Flow as ‘Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace’ Scene Takes a Realistic Turn

Zhou Xun, the lead actress of the popular Chinese drama “Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace,” recently made headlines as she burst into tears immediately after being whipped on set. The incident occurred during the filming of a dramatic scene, where Zhou Xun’s character is punished by being whipped.

The incident took place in front of the entire cast and crew, including He Hongshan, the director of the drama. He Hongshan defended the decision to use real whipping for the scene, stating that Zhou Xun had specifically asked for it, wanting to enhance the authenticity of her performance.

Zhou Xun’s dedication to her craft is well-known in the industry, and it is not the first time she has endured physical pain for a role. However, this particular incident sparked a debate among fans and industry insiders regarding the boundaries between realism and actor safety.

Many praised Zhou Xun’s commitment to her role, stating that her emotional and physical vulnerability added depth to her character’s portrayal. They believe that it is the responsibility of actors to go above and beyond to deliver the best performances possible.

On the other hand, critics argued that the use of real whipping crosses the line and can result in serious harm or trauma to the actors. They emphasized the importance of maintaining a safe working environment and utilizing special effects or other techniques to create realistic scenes without compromising the actors’ well-being.

The incident also raised questions about the role of directors in ensuring the safety and comfort of their actors. Some pointed out that directors have a duty to protect the well-being of their cast and should consider alternatives to real physical punishment in such scenes.

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As the discussion continues, it is clear that actors’ dedication to their craft often pushes them to the edge, blurring the line between reality and performance. However, it is essential to prioritize the health and safety of actors, ensuring that they are not subjected to unnecessary physical or emotional harm in the pursuit of artistic excellence.

“Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace” has gained immense popularity since its release and has further solidified Zhou Xun’s reputation as a versatile actress. While the incident has caused a stir, fans eagerly await the remaining episodes of the drama, hoping to witness more of Zhou Xun’s outstanding performances.

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