Home » Illa asks Sánchez to “continue moving forward” in “coexistence” in full negotiation with Junts

Illa asks Sánchez to “continue moving forward” in “coexistence” in full negotiation with Junts

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Illa asks Sánchez to “continue moving forward” in “coexistence” in full negotiation with Junts


24/09/2023 a las 15:21


Neither the leader of the PSOE nor the leader of the PSC have spoken the word “amnesty”, the touchstone on which conversations with republicans and post-convergents hinge

Salvador Illa, first secretary of the Catalan socialists, gave this Sunday a clear support to Pedro Sánchez’s negotiation with ERC and Junts to guarantee the investiture. He optimism of the PSC on the fruits of these conversations has been in recent times smaller than in the PSOE, partly because they have treated Carles Puigdemont more closely. But Illa, during her speech at the Rose Festival held in Gavà, wanted to make it clear to the acting president that continue “moving forward” in “coexistence”.

Neither the leader of the PSOE nor the leader of the PSC have spoken the word “amnesty”, the touchstone on which conversations with republicans and post-convergents hinge. Sánchez, in fact, has barely stopped in the negotiation, which he wants speed up once the attempted investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and he be appointed candidate by the King. Illa, on the other hand, has dedicated more time to crisis territorial.

“We must continue moving forward, president. With determination, because what we have done has borne fruit. With consistency, without lurches, step by step along the open path that citizens have supported at the polls. With realism. We must continue moving forward with respect, with optimism and confidence. And always within the framework of the Constitution,” Illa said before about 15,000 people, depending on the organization.

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“These elections have been a resounding ‘yes’ to coexistence, harmony and reunion for skip page, a resounding ‘yes’ to the policies that you have presided over. (…) It is objectively verifiable that Catalonia is much better that four years ago. Above all, at the level of coexistence. And this despite the weaker government of the last 40 years in the Generalitat”, the leader of the PSC has argued, that next week, at the same time that the failed investiture of Núñez Feijóo is celebrated in the Congress of Deputies, he will participate in the Parliament’s general policy debate.

The results of 23J

Much of what happened in the general elections of July 23, in which the PP and Vox did not achieve an absolute majority, passes through Catalonia. The PSC obtained its best result in the last 15 years: 19 deputies and more votes than all the pro-independence parties (ERC, Junts and the CUP) at the same time.

“Attention to those who speak on behalf of Catalonia,” the former Minister of Health has warned. Not even those of us who have won the last three elections, all since 2021, can speak on behalf of Catalonia. We speak on behalf of a very relevant part of Catalonia, which wants to be heard. We want to talk, dialogue and reach agreements with the representatives of others different projects to ours. We are Catalonia that has a will to be and to live together.”

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