Home » Pope Francis Calls for Rediscovery of Joyful Brotherhood in Marseille Mass

Pope Francis Calls for Rediscovery of Joyful Brotherhood in Marseille Mass

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Pope Francis Calls for Rediscovery of Joyful Brotherhood in Marseille Mass

Pope Francis Calls on European Society to Rediscover Joy of Committing to Brotherhood

Marseille, France – Pope Francis delivered his final public event in Marseille at the Velodrome Stadium, where he celebrated Mass and encouraged European society to “feel from the heart” the lives of immigrants, unborn babies, and lonely elders. The Pope urged attendees to rediscover the “joy of committing oneself to brotherhood.”

More than 50,000 believers, including locals and visitors from various parts of Europe, attended the Mass. The ceremony was dedicated to the “Mother of the Guardians,” the protector of sailors, fishermen, and all Maasai people.

During his homily, Pope Francis discussed the visitation of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, emphasizing the continuous presence of God in humanity. He asked, “Do we believe that the Lord also works wonders in our worldly and indifferent society?”

The Pope highlighted the joy that comes with having faith in God. He compared it to the jubilation of John the Baptist, who demonstrated belief, prayer, and a welcoming heart. According to Pope Francis, those who have faith recognize God’s presence in everyday events and experience a new vision of life.

However, the Pope also acknowledged the prevalent cynicism, discouragement, resignation, and sadness in European societies. Such “sad emotions” result from a cold and mediocre heart that lacks passion and motivation.

Pope Francis suggested that encountering vulnerable individuals helps us experience God’s presence. He emphasized that daily encounters with others, filled with joy and openness, allow us to become aware of God’s visitation. These encounters create relationships and foster a sense of shared joy within the Church and society.

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The Pope then addressed the challenge of coexisting with different cultures and religions in metropolitan areas. He urged society to combat individualism, selfishness, and isolation, which lead to loneliness and suffering. Pope Francis encouraged people to follow Jesus’ example by caring for those in their surroundings, showing compassion and empathy.

Finally, Pope Francis praised France’s rich history, acknowledging the country’s saintly and cultured individuals who have inspired generations. He called on lives, the Church, France, and Europe as a whole to rediscover the joy of commitment to brotherhood, taking risks for the sake of love and caring for the weakest.

In conclusion, Pope Francis emphasized the need for a joyful grace and a renewed enthusiasm for faith, hope, and charity. He encouraged all to find passion and enthusiasm in the Gospel, allowing it to transform their lives for the better.

For more information, please visit the Vatican News Network at www.vaticannews.cn.

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