Home » 30% of Chocó companies have been classified as green businesses

30% of Chocó companies have been classified as green businesses

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30% of Chocó companies have been classified as green businesses

The main objective of the National Green Business Plan is to define the guidelines and provide tools for planning and decision-making that allow the development, promotion and promotion of both the supply and demand of green and sustainable businesses in the country, through the development of an adequate platform of instruments, incentives, coordination and institutional articulation aimed at economic growth, employment generation and conservation of Colombia’s natural capital. which today is implemented by the Regional Autonomous Corporations in charge of leading and coordinating in the country’s territories, which promotes economic activities that offer goods and services with positive environmental impacts and that incorporate good environmental, social and economic practices.

Green Businesses comprise a wide range of business units, thus contributing to the conservation of the environment by reducing its ecological footprint in all stages of the product life cycle as natural capital for the development of the territory in the departments of the country.

The Regional Autonomous Corporation of Chocó (Codechocó) through the Green Business Window has verified a total of 174 companies of which 30% have been considered green businesses, having met 51% of the verification criteria that the program demands.

From the Green Business Window platform, the different regional actors are led, coordinated and articulated for the implementation of the program. In addition, training entrepreneurs regarding the criteria that define a good or service as green. In order to promote the creation and positioning of the offer of regional green products.

In this regard, we must highlight the joint work between Codechocó and the Ministry’s Green Business Directorate so that more business ideas are linked in the territory each year. This is done through dissemination processes with which organizations invite people and companies to register.

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“The linkage goal for this year is twelve businesses, of which to date there are nine, which already have the criteria and are linked to the project. Therefore, Codechocó’s commitment is that companies are increasingly sustainable and can take advantage of natural resources, with the permits for the cases that apply and at the same time take advantage of all the products generated by the use of the main product,” said Arnold Rincón. , general director of Codechocó.

In the registration process, businesses are classified as green after meeting some defined criteria, which verifies the implementation of the circular economy carried out by the company or entrepreneur within its offer of goods or services.

These criteria verify the economic viability of the business, positive environmental impact, life cycle approach from all stages of production, useful life, the non-use or use of hazardous substances or materials, recycling of materials and use of recycled materials, the efficient and sustainable use of resources, social and environmental responsibility in the value chain inside and outside the company, associated social or environmental attributes and the implementation or receipt of environmental or social schemes, programs or recognitions.

Through the disclosure processes of the Corporations, people or companies interested in being part of this project register through the Green Business Window where visits are scheduled for total or partial verification of compliance with the 12 criteria. that are evaluated, with which the advisory processes are carried out.

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