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My Soft Girl Era | the dresser

by admin
My Soft Girl Era |  the dresser

Photography: Lena Zaldak, model: Maya Panhassi, makeup and hair: Gali Keren, location: Adato

Softness in KAV’s holiday collection

***Spoiler alert for the fourth season of love is blind on Netflix***

“I’m entering my soft girl era״
This sentence was said by Tiffany, from the duo Brett and Tiffany, in the last episode of the fourth season of the reality series love is blind on Netflix. Tiffany and Brett found true love in a reality show where the participants meet with a wall separating them. They talk but do not see each other, with the aim of finding out at the end of the “experiment” if love is indeed blind. After they decide to get married without having met, they meet, go on their honeymoon, live together for a month and then decide whether to get married or break up. Tiffany and Brett decided to get married, and in the last episode, filmed a year after the decision, they are still in love. After the show, which was filmed in Seattle, Tiffany moved in with Brett in Portland (Brett, you should know, is a shoe designer at Nike). In an episode filmed a year later, Tiffany sounds like a completely different person. “I’ve entered my soft girl period,” she explains in a slow voice, sounding like she’s under the influence of sedatives, making me wonder for a moment what she’s taking and if she has a coupon code. But then I remembered: Tiffany lives in Portland. I’ve been to Portland and I know the effect this place has on those who are there for more than 24 hours. What does the famous song say? Live in California once but leave before it turns you soft? With Portland you’ll have to really hurry. Did you stay after sunset? Lost to you, you softened.
A short visit to Portland will help you join the soft girl trend, but it’s not necessary. With a little effort, this effect can be achieved in other places as well (although in the Israel of 2023 this is a particularly difficult challenge).

There are many definitions of soft girl, but before we are tempted to think that it is about buying pastel-colored cardigans and going to the spa, let’s remember that the trend started among influencers from Nigeria out of a desire to make their everyday lives easier and allow more options for those who don’t want to prove all day how tough she is ( It’s information from a BBC article, it’s not like I’m that well versed in the nuances of influencers) and maybe it’s exactly what we also need right now (I say *we* and mean *me*).

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How to enter (or return to) a soft period in your life:
1. Friction reduction. That’s what it boils down to. After all, what makes us tough and rugged? the other It turns out that in order to stay soft, it is better, at least in the first stage, to stay at home, turn off the TV and make sure the phone is on silent. Remember: the initial goal of the soft girl is to be soft with herself.
2. Learn Hebrew for the Princess of Hadesha, that is: we will start with external softness and maybe the inner softness will appear. This is the time to wear only fabrics that are comfortable for you. In fact, there is no reason to stop at “wearing”. Uncomfortable sheet? Itchy blanket? Message someone less sensitive or someone who lives in Portland. The princess-on-the-lens mode won’t end with listening to the body’s woes: after getting rid of the itchy shirt, it’s time to ditch the itchy Instagram accounts and cortisol-inducing social connections as well.
3. Find beauty in routine. Or bring beauty into routine: leave only beautiful glasses in the cup drawer. Bring flowers into the house. light candles Decide on daily rituals.
4. Adopt a slow life (Yes, I know, all these trends come with the same operating instructions in the end and most of them are suitable for women my age), including reading real books, going back to records, putting free time into the schedule (they call it Radical Rest).
5. Softness as Resistance. Print on a t-shirt.
6. Get rid of the need to say the last word. (I wanted to add a few more words here to explain what I meant, but here, I leave soft edges open).

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Soft Girl Era Starter Pack

Cashmere sweater and silk pants / Andy McDowell on the cover of Vogue Greece / furry shoes / soft socks / hair with movement / poetry books / switching from Americano to coffee with milk or matcha. At least for reasons of tenderness on Instagram (photo from hoc’s Instagram)

By the way, the soft girl trend is not really new, but I just came across it now. That’s how it is, when the student is ready, the trend appears.

The blog is going on a short vacation (those interested in photos from Amsterdam and Madrid come to the story).

Tryin’ to get up that great hill of hope

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