Home » “Three Wishes”, the podcast series with Mara Maionchi to talk about cancer prevention

“Three Wishes”, the podcast series with Mara Maionchi to talk about cancer prevention

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“Three Wishes”, the podcast series with Mara Maionchi to talk about cancer prevention

“Three Wishes”: this is the name of the podcast series just launched by the Italian League for the Fight against Cancer (LILT) Milan Monza Brianza, made available on the main audio platforms – Spotify, Apple Podcast, Spreaker, Google Podcast: 12 episodes on the stories of patients who are found to face cancer. The project, carried out thanks to the support of Roche, the Roche Foundation and Fujifilm, is part of the Pink Ribbon Campaign for the month symbolizing breast cancer prevention, for which the LILT Milan Monza Brianza involved as a testimonial Mara Maionchi and daughter Camilla under the motto of #JoinTheFight.

October: breast cancer awareness month begins by Tiziana Moriconi 29 September 2023

Il podcast

Mara Maionchi is not only the testimonial of the campaign, but also the protagonist of the first podcast. With the irony that always distinguishes her, she talks about the discovery of the tumor during a routine visit and the awareness of an inevitable and necessary change, which also generated new unexpected desires. Hence the title of the series. “When I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer I went into crisis – she says – Then I entered into the prospect of the operation and therapy. At first the only desire you have is to get by: with a diagnosis like this you feel like keeping quiet, in silence, so you can concentrate on yourself. I entrusted myself to my doctor’s hands and even kissed them, because they gave me back hope. Because you must never stop wishing.”

The narrator of the series is that of the journalist Daniel Ducoli, who like Maionchi had breast cancer. But the series will not only host testimonies from women with this type of diagnosis, it will also give voice to people who have had to face other types of cancer, with a focus on the importance of prevention.

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Free visits with the Pink Ribbon Campaign

For the entire month of October, LILT promotes free visits and exams. Worth marking on the agenda for those who live in Milan and the surrounding area are the stages of the LILT Mobile Space, a real clinic on four wheels that will visit various squares. We would like to point out his presence in Basiglio on 5 October, in Milan on 6 (piazzale Santa Rita da Cascia), in Lainate on 7 and 8 October. It will be possible to visit from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm. (Reservations are not required, so visits will be available while places are available; all information can be found on the site).

All via SenoRisk per under 40

This year the objective is above all to reach the under 40s, an age group for which there are currently no screening programs. This is why LILT has introduced the new program, SenoRisk, designed specifically for people under the age of 40 who are at potentially greater risk due to hereditary factors. “SenoRisk is a path developed by LILT and dedicated not only to young women but also to men who have a greater risk of getting breast cancer due to family or heredity,” explains Mario Rampa, responsible for LILT’s prevention projects: “The program begins with an oncology consultation. The breast specialist retraces the person’s family history, delves into their lifestyle and assigns a diagnostic plan by choosing the most appropriate tools among exams and tests. From the outcome, the specialist can evaluate the specific risk and plan a personalized prevention path, making use of a multidisciplinary team in which the breast radiologist has a fundamental role”.

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Premio LILT for Women

During the inauguration of the campaign, LILT awarded the LILT for Women award to the journalist and writer Concita De Gregorio, also diagnosed with breast cancer. “Receiving the award is an honor and a great responsibility – underlined De Gregorio – I am with you in spirit, in heart and in intentions, on the path of awareness and dignity in illness, where everyone can show a possible path. In these two years – he concluded – I have tried to keep my relationship with the world and my work intact, because the illness does not exhaust my identity. I am something other than the disease.”

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