Home » Under no circumstances should you peel it – that’s why ginger should be left with the peel on

Under no circumstances should you peel it – that’s why ginger should be left with the peel on

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Under no circumstances should you peel it – that’s why ginger should be left with the peel on

Many people swear by fresh ginger tea when they have a cold. Read here which preparation makes ginger really healthy – and what you should avoid.

The nose itches, the throat starts to scratch and the body lacks energy. During the cold months, many people struggle with annoying colds.

Fortunately, there are some tricks and home remedies that can help you get back on your feet quickly and reliably. Ginger tea is high on the list – as long as it is prepared correctly.

Ginger helps so well against colds

Spicy, hot ginger is not only beneficial, but also supports the body from the inside out thanks to the spicy ingredients gingerol and shogaol it contains.

The immune system is strengthened and blood circulation is stimulated. The tuber also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which can relieve coughs and sore throats.

That’s why you should avoid ginger if you have a fever

Caution: If you have already caught a cold with a fever, you should avoid ginger. The healthy pungent substances activate the body’s heat receptors, causing the fever to rise even further.

It is better to brush off the ginger bulb instead of peeling it

What many people don’t know, however, is that the ingredients that are important for health are located directly under the peel of the ginger bulb. In most cases, this is removed generously, especially when making tea.

Instead of peeling the ginger, it is better to scrub the medicinal plant under running water.

With the peel, the taste might be a little more bitter than usual, but a spoonful of honey quickly makes the tea delicious again.

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When it comes to ginger, pay attention to organic quality

To avoid residues of toxic pesticides or chemical fertilizers, you should only buy organic ginger – the price difference is usually minimal.

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