Home » Times and guarantee periods for the ATM transport strike in Milan

Times and guarantee periods for the ATM transport strike in Milan

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Times and guarantee periods for the ATM transport strike in Milan

Black Monday on the horizon. Next October 9th is the day chosen by the unions for the strike national team of local public transport workers. In Milan, subways, buses and trams with employees of will be at risk Atm who will be able to fold their arms for the whole day.

The agitation, proclaimed by the private labor union Usb, was initially scheduled for September 29 but was postponed after the intervention of the Ministry of transport who had decided to reduce the stop to 4 hours. Hence the union’s choice to call another strikeon another day.

“In Milan, the strike could have consequences on our lines from 8.45am to 3pm and after 6pm, until the end of the service”, ATM, the company that manages the TPL in the Milanese capital, reported to travellers. Therefore, two guarantee bands will be provided: the circulation of vehicles is ensured from the start of service at 8.45am and between 3pm and 6pm. Outside these hours, the vehicles risk stopping.

Different story for Autoguidovie, a bus company that serves the hinterland: “The trips on lines 201, 220, 222, 230, 328, 423, 431, 433 will be guaranteed from 5.30am to 8.29am and from 3pm to 5pm: 59”, announced ATM itself.

The strike, the Foro Bonaparte company recalled, was proclaimed “for the cancellation of increases in service and energy tariffs, for the blocking of military spending and the sending of weapons to Ukraine, for the exceeding of entry wages, for the need to change the criterion that sees public money being burned through contracts and subcontracts to companies that offer poor quality services, for the safety of workers, for the minimum wage of 10 euros an hour, for the free exercise of the right to strike and for the law on representation”. In addition, Al Cobas “stigmatizes the behavior of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport which, with the reduction to 4 hours of the 24-hour strike previously called for September 29th and postponed to October 9th, would have exceeded in the restriction of the constitutionally guaranteed right to strike “.

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