Home » Los Angeles 2028 doesn’t want breakdancing

Los Angeles 2028 doesn’t want breakdancing

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Los Angeles 2028 doesn’t want breakdancing

The organizing committee of the Los Angeles Olympic and Paralympic Games detailed, Monday October 9, the five additional sports that it is proposing to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the 2028 edition of the event and breakdancing is not there. not shown.

If they have ruled out this discipline, which will be present for the first time at the Olympic Games in Paris in the summer of 2024, the Americans propose to include among the additional sports competitions in baseball and softball, cricket, squash, flag football – non-contact American football – and the game of lacrosse, a team sport derived from Native American cultures.

However, it will be up to the IOC to decide which sports will be retained. Its Olympic Program Commission must make a recommendation to the Executive Committee and it is the latter which will have the last word: it will formalize its choice during the 141st session of the IOC, which will meet in Mumbai, India, from 15 to 17 october.

Baseball and softball, cricket and lacrosse have already appeared on the program of certain editions of the Olympic Games. The first was one of the disciplines of the 2021 Tokyo Games.

Appearing at the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games in 2018, breaking, another name for breakdancing, a sport dance discipline originating from urban culture and hip-hop, was highlighted by the IOC as an example of its desire to develop urban sports that appeal to young people and require little equipment.

Like karate, integrated into the Tokyo Games in 2021 but excluded for the following Games, breaking will not have Olympic visibility beyond Paris 2024 and its battles scheduled on the Place de la Concorde site. .

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However, inclusion in the Paris Olympics is not unanimous among some of the players in the discipline, for whom this institutionalization goes against what its artistic practice is.

Read also: In Guyana, with breaker Dany Dann, the 2024 Olympics in the sights Also listen to Breakdance: from street art to Olympic discipline

The World with AFP

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