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AUSL | Communication and press

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10/10/2023 – It started in the Cittadella with the speeches of the mayor of Parma Michele Guerraof the municipal councillors Ettore Brianti e Marco Bosiil rich program of initiatives organized in Parma and the Vigheffio farm for the Mental Health Day, which is celebrated all over the world October 10th.

Authorities, volunteers, operators of social cooperatives and health professionals participated in the initiatives scheduled since the morning in the Cittadella Park in Parma, and then from the early afternoon at the Fattoria di Vigheffio where, among others, the mayor of Collecchio, Maristella Gallithe councilor of the Cariparma Foundation, Marcella Saccaniin addition to the extraordinary commissioner of the Parma Local Health Authority Massimo Fabi. Sporting and cultural initiatives, with activities and demonstrations, workshops, information stands, exhibitions, music and theatre: the whole event, both in the Cittadella and in Vigheffio, was promoted by the “Recovery college”, a project of the Mental Health department of “meeting and exchange as equals puts people, their families, caregivers, neighbors, friends and more generally the social context at the center, to grow together in skills and responsibilities”.

The city has long been attentive and committed to mental health issues – stated the mayor of Parma, Michele Guerra – an integrated field of experiences, initiatives, socio-health services that profoundly questions the entire community and also the institutions. Our commitment will continue to increasingly promote social cohesion, with the fundamental contribution of dozens and dozens of associations and third sector entities.”

“This day is important not only for those who promote mental health but for all citizens – explained the mayor of Collecchio, Maristella Gallispeaking in the afternoon at the Fattoria di VigheffioAnd there could not be a better place than Vigheffio to meet today, a space that is also a center for responses and socialization for those with mental health problems and for all people in general, in which our Administration intends to continue investing“.

There are places, such as the Fattoria di Vigheffio, where the history of mental health has been written and practiced – added the extraordinary commissioner of the Ausl, Massimo Fabi – But it is a story that is not limited to memory, because the present and the future have been built here for a long time, creating projects that enhance diversity: we are proud to celebrate this World Mental Health Day in this place.”

“Mental health is an essential component of individual and collective well-being, it must be supported and promoted by the entire community. With this objective, on this day we presented dozens of projects created together by operators, volunteers and expert users, to involve the whole community against social stigma and prejudice linked to mental illnesses“, recalled the director of the integrated mental health and pathological addictions department and health sub-commissioner of the ASL, Pietro Pellegrini.

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Save the photo gallery of the day and the activity data of the integrated mental health and pathological addictions care department

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