Home » The Municipal Foreign Affairs Office Party Group Holds Special Study Meeting on Xi Jinping’s Speech During Inspection of Zhejiang

The Municipal Foreign Affairs Office Party Group Holds Special Study Meeting on Xi Jinping’s Speech During Inspection of Zhejiang

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The Municipal Foreign Affairs Office Party Group’s Theoretical Study Center Group held a special study meeting on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Zhejiang. The meeting, which took place on October 11, aimed to thoroughly study and implement the guidance provided by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Shen Wenping, Secretary and Director of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Other party members, including Zhu Dongquan, Lu Zhen, Wang Jianjun, and Zhu Yiping, also made exchange speeches.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech holds great significance, both politically and strategically. The speech provides new tasks and guidance for the promotion of high-quality development in Zhejiang. It sets the direction and establishes action guidelines for all the work to be done in the city. Therefore, it was stressed that the spirit of the speech should be studied, publicized, and implemented as the primary political task at present and in the future.

To achieve this goal, the meeting outlined several key points. Firstly, it was necessary to deeply understand the political, strategic, action, and spiritual guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech. Secondly, the spirit of the speech should be widely studied, publicized, and implemented. This entails conducting in-depth investigation and research, systematically planning and implementing, and creating an upsurge of study and implementation.

Regarding the city’s foreign affairs system, the meeting emphasized the need to focus on the overall situation and future. It was important to fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech and advance all aspects of work. This included strengthening the party’s management of foreign affairs and adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Additionally, foreign affairs should actively support and serve scientific and technological innovation, common prosperity, reform, opening up, and modernization. By adapting to changes in the situation and promoting innovation and transformation, the city’s foreign affairs system can contribute to Jiaxing’s Chinese-style modernization.

Lastly, the meeting highlighted the importance of shouldering political responsibilities and strengthening party building. It was necessary to take the opportunity of theme education to promote inspection and rectification and implement comprehensive and strict party governance. By doing so, the city can provide a strong guarantee for advancing the development of the cause.

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Overall, the special study meeting served as a platform to thoroughly understand and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech. With this guidance, the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office Party Group’s Theoretical Study Center Group aims to contribute to the high-quality development of Jiaxing and the accomplishment of the tasks set out in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech during his inspection of Zhejiang.

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