Home » Peak season for respiratory infections: washing your hands protects! Hygiene tips from the BZgA for International Handwashing Day on October 15th

Peak season for respiratory infections: washing your hands protects! Hygiene tips from the BZgA for International Handwashing Day on October 15th

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Peak season for respiratory infections: washing your hands protects!  Hygiene tips from the BZgA for International Handwashing Day on October 15th

Cologne – Respiratory infections such as colds, flu or COVID-19 spread particularly easily in the cold season. Careful hygiene helps protect yourself and others. On International Handwashing Day on October 15, 2023, the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) reminds people of the importance of washing hands and gives hygiene tips to protect health.

When you cough and sneeze, countless pathogens are sprayed through saliva and nasal secretions, which reach the mucous membranes of other people’s noses, mouths or eyes through the air and can cause illness. Pathogens can also be passed on through the hands – for example through objects shared with sick people or when shaking hands. Washing your hands thoroughly with soap is therefore a simple and effective measure to reduce the risk of further spread of pathogens and to protect yourself from infection, as this can significantly reduce the number of germs on your hands.

To protect yourself from infection, in addition to washing your hands thoroughly, other hygiene measures when coughing and sneezing as well as regular ventilation are recommended:

Wash hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water. This particularly applies when coming home, before eating, after using the toilet, after blowing your nose and when coming into contact with sick people. Thorough hand washing takes 20 to 30 seconds. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands. When sneezing or coughing, turn away from other people and hold a tissue or the crook of your arm in front of your mouth and nose. Ventilate interior rooms regularly. Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects regularly. People who belong to a risk group, for example for severe illness from COVID-19, flu or RSV infection, should consider wearing a mask in possible infection situations. Anyone suffering from symptoms of an acute respiratory infection such as a runny nose, cough or sore throat should stay at home until they have significantly improved. If you have close contact with others, especially people at high risk, who cannot be avoided, those who are sick should wear a mask.

Overview of BZgA information on the subject of hand washing:

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Information on infection protection, hand hygiene and respiratory infections at:

Media library, print and online materials on the topic of hand hygiene:

Order the free BZgA materials at:
Federal Center for Health Education, 50819 Cologne
Online ordering system: https://shop.bzga.de/
Fax: 0221/8992257
Email: bestellung(at)bzga.de

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