Home » Chen Zhichang’s Visit to Key Enterprises and Major Projects: Boosting Industrial Ecology and Innovation Development

Chen Zhichang’s Visit to Key Enterprises and Major Projects: Boosting Industrial Ecology and Innovation Development

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Chen Zhichang, the Mayor of Nanjing, recently conducted visits and investigations at various key enterprises and major projects in the city. During his visits, he emphasized the importance of deeply studying the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on his inspection of Jiangsu. Chen Zhichang called for the complete, accurate, and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, while also accelerating the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy.

One of the key enterprises visited by Chen Zhichang was China Telecom Co., Ltd.’s Unmanned Technology Innovation Center. This center specializes in 5G network-connected drones and other unmanned technologies. During his visit, Chen Zhichang thoroughly examined the company’s development history, future plans, and even inspected some of their products on site. He encouraged the company to capitalize on Nanjing’s rich scientific and educational talent resources and leverage the advantages of central enterprises. Chen Zhichang urged them to increase research and development efforts, facilitate the transformation of innovative results, and promote collaboration throughout the entire industrial chain.

Another notable company visited was Jiangsu Jiuwu High-tech Co., Ltd., a leading domestic enterprise in the ceramic membrane industry. Chen Zhichang toured their production workshop and learned about their production operations and innovation achievements. He praised the company and encouraged them to focus on industry segments, accelerate breakthroughs in key technologies, and expand their application scenarios to enhance their core competitiveness. Chen Zhichang also urged them to extend the industrial chain value chain to the high end.

Inspecting the planning and construction of the intelligent electric control product production base project at Nanjing Hengli Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Zhichang inquired about the progress of the project and any challenges encountered. He urged the company to continue its presence in Nanjing and actively utilize digital technology to establish an intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory. Chen Zhichang stressed the importance of empowering industrial transformation and upgrading through digitalization. He also urged the company’s management to intensify their efforts in realizing the project, ensuring its prompt completion and successful results.

Chen Zhichang also visited Nanjing Tianyinshan Hospital, a tertiary specialty hospital invested and constructed by Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceutical Group. He engaged in in-depth discussions with the hospital’s officials to understand more about its planning and construction. Chen Zhichang encouraged the hospital to find its correct positioning, make the most of its advantages, focus on specialized fields, and strengthen innovative research. He emphasized the importance of providing better health services to the public and urged relevant sectors and departments to enhance service guarantees and expedite the opening of the hospital.

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Throughout his visits, Chen Zhichang actively sought suggestions and appeals from the companies he visited. He emphasized that enterprises play a crucial role in economic development and technological innovation. Chen Zhichang stressed the need to strengthen their position in scientific and technological innovation and promote the integration of scientific and industrial innovation. He called for the cultivation of more competitive strategic emerging industry clusters and the establishment of a highland for industrial scientific and technological innovation. Chen Zhichang also emphasized the importance of improving communication service mechanisms and proactively resolving issues for enterprises. He highlighted the city’s pursuit of a market-oriented, legal, and internationally renowned business environment to promote high-quality economic development.

Overall, Chen Zhichang’s visits to key enterprises and major projects in Nanjing reinforced the city’s commitment to prioritizing innovation and providing strong support for enterprise development. His emphasis on the implementation of the new development concept and optimization of the industrial ecology reflects the city’s determination to foster a favorable business environment and promote high-quality economic growth.

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