Home » ELA Andalucía Hosts Online Workshop on Mindfulness and Emotional Wellbeing for Family and Caregivers of ALS Patients

ELA Andalucía Hosts Online Workshop on Mindfulness and Emotional Wellbeing for Family and Caregivers of ALS Patients

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ELA Andalucía Hosts Online Workshop on Mindfulness and Emotional Wellbeing for Family and Caregivers of ALS Patients

The Andalusian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ELA Andalucía), a member of We are patients, organized an online workshop on October 19th titled ‘Mindfulness and Emotional Wellbeing’. This workshop is exclusively aimed at family members and non-professional caregivers of ALS patients. The organizers highlight that online mindfulness workshops are an excellent way to learn and practice mindfulness from the comfort of your own home. Mindfulness, or full attention, is a practice that involves consciously paying attention to thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in the present moment without judgment.

The workshop will be taught by Magdalena Requena Miranda, a mindfulness instructor, psychologist, and coach. She will guide participants through effective mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in the family environment. The objective of the workshop is to help patients and families find serenity in the midst of the daily challenges they face. Mindfulness has proven to be a good tool for improving psychological well-being, increasing concentration, promoting better sleep, and encouraging the comprehension and compassionate management of emotions, which can be especially relevant in difficult health situations.

The workshop will be held between 6:00 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. through the Zoom platform. Participants will have the opportunity to ask the instructor questions and receive personalized guidance. To follow the live broadcast of the workshop, you can click [here](insert link).

In related news, 11 patient associations dedicated to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are now members of Somos Pacientes.

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