Home » Zhejiang Fair Highlights ‘Pinzibiao Made in Zhejiang’ Products and Innovative Standards

Zhejiang Fair Highlights ‘Pinzibiao Made in Zhejiang’ Products and Innovative Standards

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Yiwu Fair Showcases Zhejiang’s Boutique Products

Zhejiang Online, October 21 – The 29th China Yiwu International Small Commodity (Standards) Expo, also known as the “Yiwu Fair,” commenced at the Yiwu International Expo Center on October 21. This year, a “Zhejiang Boutique” public exhibition area was introduced for the first time to showcase the theme of “Zhejiang Boutique Leads Quality Life” and provide a platform for standards, products, and enterprises.

In the exhibition area of “Pinzibiao Made in Zhejiang,” various products such as smart toilets, smart beds, integrated stoves, outdoor products, and pianos were displayed. Each product represented familiar scenes from daily life, attracting the attention of visitors.

At Zhejiang Leyun Piano Co., Ltd.’s exhibition area, the sound of a piano resonated throughout the space as the company’s deputy general manager, Jin Yicheng, carefully cleaned a piano. Jin explained that piano production involves a high level of craftsmanship, with strict control over every production process and component. This attention to detail was a key factor in the company receiving the prestigious “Made in Zhejiang” certification.

Another product that caught the attention of visitors was the Meida Fenghua series of integrated stoves displayed by Zhejiang Meida Industrial Co., Ltd. This “Made in Zhejiang” product has won several international design awards, including the Bauhaus Design Award, the New York Design Award, and the Italian Design Award. Besides its appealing appearance, the stove is equipped with Meida’s smart frequency conversion technology, allowing for smokeless cooking in just one second.

“All the products showcased in this exhibition area are from Zhejiang’s ‘Pin Zibia’ enterprises,” stated a representative from the Zhejiang Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau. Since 2014, Zhejiang Province has been at the forefront of promoting the regional public brand of “Made in Zhejiang” with the image logo “Pin Zibiao.” By formulating and implementing advanced standards and international certification, Zhejiang aims to create a high-end regional brand that is recognized for its high quality, affordable prices, excellent reputation, and social recognition.

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To date, Zhejiang Province has issued a total of 3,154 “Made in Zhejiang” standards and fostered 4,791 branded enterprises. Approximately 80% of these enterprises have received quality awards from various levels of government, establishing themselves as “hidden champions” and specialized and new “little giants.” With a combination of improved standards, quality, and brand efficiency, these enterprises have become a driving force for promoting high-quality economic development in the province.

Zhejiang Standards Lead the Way in Innovation

In the standard innovation exhibition area, ten companies, including Hangzhou Chengtian Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd., highlighted their standard innovative products in the fields of intelligent technology, advanced manufacturing, and high-end new materials.

The question of what constitutes “Zhejiang standards” was clearly answered in the exhibition area. These standards are defined as advanced standards of high quality and efficiency that embody technological innovation elements, meet the requirements of high-quality development, and contribute to common prosperity.

Tiantong Holdings Co., Ltd. has taken the lead in the first working group of the International Electrotechnical Commission’s Technical Committee on Magnetic Components, Ferrite, and Magnetic Powder Core Materials (IEC/TC 51). The company has played a crucial role in formulating and revising four international standards and ten national standards. Notably, the international standard IEC 60424-8:2015 represents groundbreaking achievements in the international standardization work for soft magnetic ferrite in China.

Bull Group has always prioritized standardization as a strategic task. The company has established a standardization committee, a full-time standardization management department, and allocated sufficient funds for standardization activities. To date, Bull has led and participated in the development of 118 national, industry, and group standards. Additionally, they have obtained over 1,110 domestic and foreign product certifications, secured 2,379 authorized patents, and received 64 international design awards.

Zhejiang Province has consistently embraced the belief that “standards shape a better life.” The province currently boasts 576 provincial-level local standards in the field of rural revitalization. The “Zhejiang experience” in rural construction has been successfully upgraded to 11 national standards, showcasing Zhejiang’s commitment to promoting shared prosperity through the integration of standardization.

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The Yiwu Fair provides a platform for Zhejiang’s boutique products, reflecting the province’s dedication to quality, innovation, and the advancement of standards. With its focus on standards and products, the fair contributes to the promotion of high-quality economic development in Zhejiang and beyond.

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