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Summit on the Palestinian Issue in Egypt Calls for Ceasefire and Resolution of Conflict

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Summit on Palestinian Issue Held in Egypt, Calls for Ceasefire and End to War

Cairo, Egypt – The Summit on the Palestinian Issue took place near Egypt’s new administrative capital on October 21st, where all participating parties discussed solutions to the escalating conflicts between Palestine and Israel. The summit called for an immediate ceasefire to bring an end to the ongoing war.

Dubbed the “Cairo Peace Summit,” the event was initiated by Egypt and saw the attendance of heads of state, heads of government, special envoys, and heads of international organizations from over 30 countries. Zhai Jun, the Chinese government’s special envoy for the Middle East issue, also attended the summit upon invitation from Egypt.

During his opening speech, Egyptian President Sisi expressed his refusal to expel Palestinians to Egyptian soil, emphasizing that the only lasting solution to the Palestinian issue is to grant Palestinians the legal right to live in an independent country. President Sisi urged the international community to collaborate in formulating a road map to restore peace in the Middle East and put an end to the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in the region.

Palestinian President Abbas stressed the importance of implementing the “two-state solution” and resolving the refugee issue in accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194 for achieving peace and security. He condemned Israel’s “barbaric aggression” against the Gaza Strip and called for an immediate halt to the aggression, along with the opening of humanitarian corridors to facilitate the entry of food, medicine, and other necessities into the besieged area. President Abbas also warned against any attempts to deport Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.

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King Abdullah II of Jordan advocated for an immediate cessation of the conflict, the protection of civilians, and a unified stance condemning attacks targeting non-combatants. He reaffirmed his opposition to the forced displacement of Palestinians, categorizing it as a war crime under international law.

United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called for a “two-state solution” to resolve the Palestinian issue and welcomed the entry of 20 trucks, primarily carrying medical aid supplies, into the Gaza Strip through the Egyptian side of the Rafah Port. Guterres emphasized the urgency for aid trucks, which remained on the Egyptian side, to enter the Gaza Strip in a large-scale, sustained, and secure manner.

Arab League Secretary-General Gheit expressed the international community’s responsibility to work diligently towards a ceasefire and ending the ongoing war. He urged for the immediate establishment of a secure corridor to provide sustainable humanitarian assistance to the people inhabiting the Gaza Strip.

British Foreign Secretary Cleverley highlighted the international community’s obligation to prevent the spread of instability throughout the region and the loss of more lives. Cleverley believed that diplomatic efforts could ensure a peaceful future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan emphasized the need for a new guarantee mechanism in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and stressed the importance of all parties ensuring steps taken towards a just peace. Fidan warned that continued Israeli attacks would further escalate the regional situation and pose a threat to global stability and peace.

The Summit on the Palestinian Issue in Egypt echoed the urgent need for a ceasefire and an end to the war between Palestine and Israel. The international community united in calling for immediate action to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and work towards a long-lasting resolution to the decades-old conflict in the Middle East.

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