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Belgrade Book Fair 2023 | Magazine

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Belgrade Book Fair 2023 |  Magazine

Under the slogan “Long Live Books”, the 66th International Book Fair opened in Belgrade today, with more than 400 exhibitors from 15 countries, including publishing houses from the Republic of Srpska.

Source: MONDO

Opening the Fair on behalf of Serbia as the host, Serbian writer, translator and publisher Vladislav Bajac pointed out that books have proven to be a solid support, a reliable friend and love for a lifetime.

“Books were written and read during epidemics, calamities and wars. Books lived, live and will live,” said Bajac in the welcome speech that opened the Book Fair.

He emphasized that book fairs are exhibitions of living images, which connect the vast expanse between reading and writing.

“Through that enchanted space there is a path that connects two houses – in one the writer sits alone and writes, and in the other, likewise, the reader sits alone and reads. The unity of writers and readers is the most beautiful unity of opposites, because no book is actually written until it has been read “, emphasized Bajac.

Bajac explained that he sees the reader as an echo and mirror of the writer, which is why in every book next to the name of the writer there is also the invisible name of the readers, who are a real asset because they represent a mass of different interpreters of one book.

The writer Matthias Henar, who spoke on behalf of France in his welcome speech as the guest of honor at this year’s Book Fair in Belgrade, pointed out that literature is the opening of the space of thought, because it opposes the media, continuous information and the dictatorship of current events.

“We are here to celebrate books, thought and creation, in the face of discord, conflicts and crises,” emphasized Enar.

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He said that the novel leads into the unknown, on a journey, and at the same time represents more than fiction, more than entertainment.

Enar thanked for the honor of opening the Book Fair in the capital of the country he loves.

“France and Serbia have forged literary ties since the 19th century, and Yugoslav and Serbian literature experienced great success in France, as well as French in Serbia. Serbian novels are translated in France thanks to outstanding translators, which shows that there is no real literature without quality translation ” said Enar.

In addition to publishers from Serbia, which is the host, and France as guests of honor at this year’s Book Fair, publishing houses from 13 other countries will be presented.

France will present writers, translators, publishers, distributors from that country, as well as personalities who are connected to the book in various ways.

At the Book Fair in Belgrade, which will last until Sunday, October 29, 33 publishers from Republika Srpska will appear, who will promote 89 editions at a special stand in hall two of the Belgrade Fair.

60 authors and more than 100 speakers will present editions from the Republic of Srpska at the Republika Srpska stand and in the “Vasko Pop” promotion hall.

The thirteenth representative appearance of the Republic of Srpska at the International Belgrade Book Fair is organized by the Representation of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The Andrić Institute in Andrićgrad will also present its ten-year publishing engagement with high-quality publications at the Book Fair in Belgrade this year.

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For visitors to the fair, entrance was free today from 10:00 a.m., and during all fair days it will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The traditional “School Day” was announced for Thursday, October 26.

As part of the 66th International Belgrade Book Fair, prizes will traditionally be awarded and annual publishing production evaluated in nine categories.


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