Home » Xie Tianxiao Returns to the Stage with New Song ‘One Finger’ and Announces Continuation of ‘Basic Instinct’ Tour

Xie Tianxiao Returns to the Stage with New Song ‘One Finger’ and Announces Continuation of ‘Basic Instinct’ Tour

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Xie Tianxiao Returns to the Stage with New Song ‘One Finger’ and Announces Continuation of ‘Basic Instinct’ Tour

Xie Tianxiao Returns to the Stage After Recovering from Injury

Tangshan City, Hebei Province – After a 50-day hiatus, Xie Tianxiao is set to make a comeback on November 12th at the “Hot Wheels Music Festival” in Tangshan City. The singer-songwriter, who recently recovered from an accident, has passed the necessary medical review and has been given permission by his doctor to return to the stage.

The news of Xie Tianxiao’s return has brought excitement and anticipation among his fans, who have been eagerly waiting for his comeback. The “Hot Wheels Music Festival” will mark the first stop of his highly anticipated return.

In September, Xie Tianxiao released his latest single, “One Finger,” which has been receiving constant praise from both fans and music critics alike. The song has sparked discussions among music enthusiasts, with many appreciating its simplicity, clarity, and coherence. Some even compare it to the grunge era, describing it as a natural progression in Xie Tianxiao’s musical journey.

During his time away from the stage, Xie Tianxiao, known for his introspective nature, reflected on his artistic direction and potential changes in his future creations. His fans are eager to witness the new artistic direction he might take after this period of introspection.

In addition to his solo endeavors, Xie Tianxiao has been touring alongside OK KING as part of their “Basic Instinct” live tour. The tour, which began in July with a spectacular show in Xi’an, has successfully completed 15 stops across China. Boshan Entertainment, the organizing company behind the tour, stated that the Shijiazhuang stop is not the last of the domestic tour and promised more surprises for music fans in the future.

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Excitingly, Xie Tianxiao has expressed his eagerness to hear suggestions from his fans for the location of the next stop on the tour. This invitation has ignited a wave of discussions among his devoted fanbase, who are already sharing their ideas and preferences on social media.

As Xie Tianxiao gears up for his highly anticipated comeback at the “Hot Wheels Music Festival,” fans and music lovers alike are eagerly awaiting his return to the stage. With the release of “One Finger” and the promising hints of new artistic directions, Xie Tianxiao is undoubtedly set to captivate his audience once again with his soulful and evocative performances.

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