Home » Pope Francis Urges Believers to Live Out the Commandment of Love and Reflect God’s Love

Pope Francis Urges Believers to Live Out the Commandment of Love and Reflect God’s Love

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Pope Francis Urges Believers to Live Out the Commandment of Love and Reflect God’s Love

Pope Francis Urges Believers to Live Out the Great Commandment of Love

During the Angelus prayer on October 29, Pope Francis reminded believers to live out the “great commandment of love” and emphasized that we must gain strength from the love of God and His Son, Jesus, in order to truly love others.

Speaking before leading the believers in reciting the Angelus, the Pope highlighted the importance of loving God and loving others above all else. He explained that this is the greatest commandment from which all other commandments flow and derive their greater meaning. The Pope referred to the Gospel of Matthew (22:34-40) where the scholars of law asked Jesus which commandment in the law was the greatest.

The Pope emphasized that love for God and love for others are inseparable. He stated, “Love God and love of neighbor is indivisible.” The Pope invited the faithful to reflect on the two aspects of this commandment, starting with the teachings of God’s love for humanity.

Pope Francis reiterated that our ability to love comes from encountering God’s love. He highlighted that “everything begins with Him.” Without the foundation of God’s love, our love for others cannot be sincere. The Pope quoted St. Paul, who said, “For the love of Christ compels us to love.”

In addition, the Pope spoke about the second aspect of the commandment of love, which is loving our neighbors. He explained that by loving others, we reflect the love of the Father. He cited the example of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who sought to be a “drop of clean water in which the love of God shines.” The Pope urged the faithful to look at the example of saints like Mother Teresa and to be inspired to reflect God’s love in their own lives.

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The Pope concluded by encouraging believers to take the first step in showing love to others, just as a drop of water takes the first step. He asked them to be grateful to God for His love and to strive to reflect His love in their daily lives.

To read more about Pope Francis’ message on love and reflection of God’s love, visit the official Vatican News website.

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