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4 million from the Region – Businesses

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4 million from the Region – Businesses

Il trade becomes an engine to promote culture, art and natural beauty, and to enhance the identity of the territories, also through urban furnishing interventions able to respond better and better to the needs of citizens and tourists.

I am 36 projects presented by local authorities on the basis of the regional law on the redevelopment of the commercial network of cities (number 41), which they obtained from Region contributions for 4 million euros, out of a total expenditure of 6 million and 53 thousand and 700 euros.

Il measureapproved by the Regional Council on the proposal of the Councilor for Commerce, Andrea Corsiniin particular assigns contributions of one million euros – out of a total expenditure of 1 million and 430 thousand – to 18 local promotion and marketing initiatives and 3 million euros – out of a total expenditure of 4,536,509 euros – a 18 projects for the enhancement and redevelopment of commercial and market areas.

The projects

On the one hand, therefore, initiatives of commercial valorisation of historic centres like them Ravenna, Faenza, and Reggio Emilia or territorial valorization between Most commonas between Castenaso and San Lazzaro (Bo)promotional and tourist videos, music festivals or food and wine events that highlight the typical features of the area, on the other hand street furniture works to not only make commercial areas more beautiful, but also to encourage greater socialisation.

“We want to give a new life to the areas dedicated to trade in our towns and cities – comments Corsini – to make them increasingly social gathering points capable of attracting citizens and tourists. Modern places, also from the point of view of new technologies, beautiful and with an identity. After the approval of the new sector law, the objective is to push innovation at the service of people, with maximum attention to impact and sustainability”.

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The link with tourism

“We need to strengthen the offer and enhance the many proposals in a structured way – closes the councilor – to give strength to the whole territory and also to relaunch, with trade, proximity tourismengaging the national and international market that revolves around cities of art”.

In particular, four projects were financed in each province: two for promotion and marketing and the same number for the redevelopment of commercial and market areas.

Promotion and marketing projects were assigned a contribution of approximately 69.93% of eligible expenses, while contributions equal to 70% were assigned to those for the redevelopment of commercial and market areas, raised to 80% for mountain municipalities. and 90.88% for flooded municipalities.

The contributions were again financed through the regional law 41awaiting the implementation of the new regional law on the matter for the valorisation and redevelopment of the local commercial network (LR. 12/2023), recently approved.

> The resolution

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