Home » From Gauss to “Galaxy AI”: Samsung has unveiled its artificial intelligence

From Gauss to “Galaxy AI”: Samsung has unveiled its artificial intelligence

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From Gauss to “Galaxy AI”: Samsung has unveiled its artificial intelligence

The artificial intelligence of Samsung has a name: it will be called “Galaxy AI” and will arrive “early next year”.

Samsung’s announcement comes just a few days after OpenAI DevDaythe San Francisco company that unveiled ChatGpt exactly one year ago and which triggered a real escalation in the development and use ofGenerative AIcapable of expressing himself like a man and imitating his creativity.

“A new era of Galaxy AI is coming” writes Samsung in a post on the official blog of the mobile division led by TM Roh.

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The company refers to one of the first areas to which it will be applied, namely the “instant translation of telephone calls”.

“The audio and text translations will appear in real time – writes Samsung – so that the two interlocutors can understand another language with the same ease with which subtitles are activated while streaming a show”.

So long as Galaxy AI is integrated into the deviceSamsung says, “private conversations will never leave your phone.”

The first device equipped with Galaxy AI could be the top of the range Samsung Galaxy S24 which is expected to launch right at the beginning of 2024, in the second half of January.

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But the new smartphone will not be limited to translate phone calls in real time.

Il Korea Times writes that a new generative artificial intelligence model developed by Samsung, called Gausswill be integrated into the new Galaxy S24 and will allow you to carry out directly on the device operations similar to those carried out with ChatGpt, which instead requires cloud computing and an internet connection.

In short, Gauss will allow you to generate images, write emails and summarize documents starting from a prompti.e. the textual description that the machine needs to carry out a specific task.

The new technology – unveiled over the recent Samsung AI Forum which took place in South Korea – features three AI models: Samsung Gauss Language, Samsung Gauss Code, and Samsung Gauss Image.

It will be one IA “on-device”in short, which will process the data directly on the phone. This mode would ensure better privacy and faster data processing speed. But to achieve this, the new Samsung Galaxy S24 will need a much more powerful processor than the one currently supplied with the Galaxy S22. It is therefore thought that the next top of the range will use the new one Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 by Qualcomm.

A direct investment in generative artificial intelligence foresees greater responsibilities from a safety point of view that this technology will have to guarantee.

For this reason Samsung has announced the creation of a special Red Team: this is what professionals call the task forces that test AI models to identify any problems related to privacy and security.

Samsung chose the name “Gauss” in homage to the famous German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gausswho lived between the end of the 18th and the middle of the 19th century and is famous for his studies regarding number theory and geometry.

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Gauss’s work that led to normal distributionwhich had a significant impact on probability theory and on statistics, it is considered the backbone of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Samsung unveiled its AI seven months after banning its employees the use of generative artificial intelligence tools – like ChatGpt or Bard – on company-owned devices. A necessary safety measure after some internal data leaks occurred in early 2023.

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