Home » Israel – Hamas at war, today’s news | Hezbollah, positions attacked after rocket launches. The king of Jordan: «With violations by Israel the region can explode»

Israel – Hamas at war, today’s news | Hezbollah, positions attacked after rocket launches. The king of Jordan: «With violations by Israel the region can explode»

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Israel – Hamas at war, today’s news |  Hezbollah, positions attacked after rocket launches.  The king of Jordan: «With violations by Israel the region can explode»

• It is the 39th day of the war: over 12 thousand Palestinians have died, according to Hamas; 1,200 Israeli ones.
• Israeli soldiers occupy the Strip’s Parliament.
•UN alarm: «No diesel, 48 stops to humanitarian actions».
• MSF doctor: «Inhuman situation».
•The head of the anti-tank division of the Islamist organization was killed. USA: «Tel Aviv has a different line from ours, we don’t know how many hostages are still alive».
• Meeting of the foreign ministers of the 27 in Brussels. Borrell: «We condemn the use of civilians as human shields by Hamas».

06.14 am – Middle East: IDF, our war is not against the people of Gaza

«We are doing everything we can to minimize harm to civilians, assist in evacuation and provide medical supplies and food. Our war is not against the people of Gaza.” Thus on social media the Israeli Defense Forces, IDF, show in a video the incubators for newborns destined for the al-Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip. «The pediatric ward of the Shifa hospital in Gaza City needs assistance – a spokeswoman explains in the video -, Israel is ready to help. We have made a formal offer to health officials in Gaza to transfer the incubators to the Gaza Strip to assist the pediatric department of Shifa hospital. Great efforts are underway to ensure that these incubators can reach children in Gaza without delay. Our war is against Hamas and not against the people of Gaza.”

05.51 am – Middle East: Canadian pacifist body killed in Hamas raid identified

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At the end of the forensic investigations, the body of the pacifist activist Vivian Silver, a 74-year-old originally from Canada, killed during the October 7 massacres in southern Israel by Hamas, was identified. This was reported by the newspaper «The Times of Israel» explaining that the woman had been reported missing since her home in Kibbutz Be’eri was attacked last month.

– Canadian-born peace activist Vivian Silver (Twitter/X)

05.36 am – Middle East: IDF, 2 Israeli soldiers killed in the northern Gaza Strip

The Israel Defense Forces, IDF, says two more soldiers, aged 21 and 27, were killed fighting Hamas terrorists in the northern Gaza Strip, bringing the death toll from the Israeli ground operation to 46. This was reported by the newspaper «The Times of Israel».

04.09 am – West Bank: Israeli army clashes, 5 Palestinians killed

Five Palestinians were killed in clashes with the Israeli army in the Tulkarem area, in the north of the occupied West Bank: this was announced today by the AFP agency, the director of Thabet hospital, Amin Khader, where the deaths were recorded . These are men aged between 21 and 29, who were killed during an Israeli army operation. The army confirmed to AFP an operation in this sector of the West Bank.

03.48 am – Gaza: Israel transfers incubators to al-Shifa hospital

The Israeli army has begun to transfer incubators from Israeli hospitals to the al-Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip: one of the Israeli government’s spokespersons for the foreign press, Eylon Levy, writes this on X, as reported by Haaretz. Levy said the Israel Defense Forces would work with “any reliable mediating party” to ensure the incubators were delivered safely.

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03:06 – Gaza: President Brazil, «Israeli bombs as serious as Hamas»

The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, argued last night in Brasilia that the Israeli bombings that caused more than 11,000 deaths in Gaza are “equally serious” as the “terrorist” attacks launched against Israeli territory on October 7, with 1,200 deaths, from the Hamas group. During a ceremony in Brasilia, reports the newspaper «O Globo», the head of state also criticized above all the high number of children and women killed in the war, as well as the attacks against medical facilities – such as hospitals – which in addition to patients and doctors host thousands of civilians. Lula then asked himself “why (Israel) is killing innocent people, without any criteria”, adding that “the idea of ​​throwing bombs where there are children, where there are hospitals, with the pretext that there is a terrorist there, it has no justification. First – he concluded – save the children and women, then fight with those who want to fight.”

02.20 am – Gaza: a UNRWA employee killed, the total rises to 102

The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) has announced that one of its workers was killed in the attacks in the northern Gaza Strip together with her family: the agency announced this on its website, underlining that from the beginning 102 UNRWA employees died and 27 were injured during the hostilities between Hamas and Israel.

01.15 am – King Abdullah, with violations Israel could explode in the region

Jordan’s King Abdullah has warned that any scenario that includes Israel’s reoccupation of parts of Gaza will worsen the crisis and that continued Israeli “violations” in the West Bank and Jerusalem could “push the region towards an explosion.” This was reported by the official Petra press agency cited by the “Guardian”. “A military or security solution” will not succeed, the king added, stressing that the conflict had its origins in the occupation and disenfranchisement of the Palestinian people. In a meeting with Jordanian politicians, including former prime ministers and the president of the Senate, Abdallah said that Gaza must not be separated from the rest of the Palestinian territories and called for an end to the war and the resumption of a political process based on two principles. “Any other path will end in failure and lead to further cycles of violence and destruction,” he added.

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01.09 am – Middle East: IDF, Hezbollah positions attacked after rocket launches

The IDF, the Israel Defense Forces, reported that several rockets were fired from Lebanese territory towards Israel late on Monday evening, one of these was intercepted by the Israeli missile defense system while the other missiles all fell in areas open. This is what the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports. The IDF also reported that Israel attacked Hezbollah’s terrorist infrastructure in southern Lebanon in response to rocket fire against Israel.

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