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Huilenses win international architecture award

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Huilenses win international architecture award

For the third consecutive time, the “Platinum Trophy” of the International Ibero-American Design Awards – CLAP, goes to a work team from the capital of Huila, Neiva. Marwin Victoria, an architectural professional, led and coordinated the initiative.

Diario del Huila, Panorama

It has not been once but three times that a team made up of Huilenses, win the Platinum trophy of the International Ibero-American Design Awards – CLAP. An international jury made up of more than 70 members from more than 20 Latin American countries, awarded in the city of Barcelona in Spain the highest recognition for architectural design to a project designed and structured by a group of architecture students and professionals who They work and develop their proposals in the capital of the department of Huila.

This is the proposal called “Aulatopía” a project carried out jointly with engineering students from the Corhuila University, which was awarded the “Clap Platinum 2023” trophy, in the category of best design for commercial exhibition or ephemeral architecture.

We are very proud and pleased to achieve this award, which is recognition of a work that we have been consolidating for several years. It is important to note that this proposal was presented as part of a work in which students from Corhuila University have participated through our Portable City workshop, with which we seek to strengthen creativity, but also make great contributions to the harmonization of spaces. with environmentally sustainable environments”said architect Marwin Victoria, leader of the winning project at the international event.

Victoria highlighted that this is not the first time that projects and initiatives arising from training processes obtain international recognition and said that there is a trend in the world of architecture in which the contexts to create must be understood.

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Our task is oriented towards the theme of social-participatory architecture. We understood that the true advanced architect is one who understands very well the contexts, environments and social dynamics in which architecture is made, and through this understanding, make an architecture more designed to solve the true needs of the people who inhabit these environments. For several years, we have carried out social-participatory architecture interventions with recycled industrial containers, mobile community libraries and classrooms, architectural roofs, urban furniture, pavilions, social housing, cultural centers, etc. The prominent expert explained that, at various stages of the process, we have collaborated with the academy through teachers and students, community, businessmen, artists, colleagues and friends. They have been important in the process and have led to the achievement of several international recognitions.

The importance of the award

Architect Marwin Victoria, also a university professor, has led significant processes in local and regional development. He expressed that it is the third consecutive time in which projects conceived in the department of Huila win awards and recognition in high-level international events and competitions.

Last Thursday night, we received the prestigious Clap Platinum 2023 trophy at the International Ibero-American Design Awards. This recognition, the most notable in Latin America, granted “Aulatopía” the collaborative project between my engineering students at the Corhuila University, Industrias Carvicam and Taller Ciudad Portátil.

We are proud to receive this award in the category of best design for commercial exhibition or ephemeral architecture.

This achievement highlights our dedication and demonstrates that international juries, made up of more than 70 experts from more than 20 Ibero-American countries, appreciate our creations. It is a testimony of our commitment to excellence and innovation. We thank all the teams and allies who have contributed to our successes in previous years, 2022 and 2021. This recognition motivates us to continue making significant contributions to the field of design, aware that experts who understand the magnitude of our creative proposal admire our works.

For those who worked on this proposal that seeks to make easily assembled portable classrooms that harmonize with the environments, it is a great achievement, since the project will contribute to students being able to interact with their academic practices by taking the classroom as a complement to the training process. .

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It is a commissioned monument-pavilion, which commemorates the first 20 years of Industrias Carvicam, a family business of great importance for the economy and local employment of the city of Neiva in Colombia, dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of school furniture.

Through co-design strategies and a collaborative work system between Taller Ciudad Pátil and engineering students from the Corhuila University, a proposal is built that operates as a manager of citizen interactions at different scales in the public space of the city, conceived reinterpreting the traditional trapezoidal tables and chairs, designed and produced by Industrias Carvicam for more than 2 decades.

The intervention is made up of benches, chairs, tables, library furniture and coat racks, which are repeated 2 and 3 times to reach a total of 25 trapezoidal school furniture that, due to its geometric and formal condition, generate a versatile pattern that allows different spatial configurations that They explore the dematerialization of a conventional classroom, taking it to the public space. Transforming a common classroom into a utopian or “impossible” scenario.

We designed the facility to be easy to transport and manipulate. Each piece of furniture operates independently but can be adapted and joined using a system of anchors and mobile-rotating devices. This facilitates the creation of different configurations, turning the monument-pavilion into something unique and constantly transformable.

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