Home » The Health Benefits and Versatility of Oranges: Recipes and Tips for Using the Whole Fruit

The Health Benefits and Versatility of Oranges: Recipes and Tips for Using the Whole Fruit

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The Health Benefits and Versatility of Oranges: Recipes and Tips for Using the Whole Fruit

Oranges: The Superfood You Won’t Want to Waste

They are good for your health, as part of a healthy diet they help the immune system and they are also delicious and versatile: from today you won’t even throw away the waste anymore!

Eating them is good for you, they can be enjoyed alone as a fruit for a snack or as a snack, they are excellent for breakfast also in the form of juice and can be used in the kitchen in the preparation of many recipes both sweet and savory.

In short, they are little treasures whose qualities it is good to know all about. Below we will discover the benefits of this fruit which begins to appear on tables in autumn and accompanies us throughout the winter.

Enjoy them without throwing away the waste, there are many recipes to know

There are several positive health effects that come from eating these fruits. In addition to being a good source of vitamins, a best-known characteristic, they also have many beneficial properties for the immune system, heart and muscles. In detail 100 grams of orange provide up to 12 grams of carbohydrates, up to 9 of which are simple sugars, which provide immediate energy.

Beyond the false myths about oranges and vitamin C it must be said that these citrus fruits are excellent to taste and should never be missing from the table. First of all because they contain citric acid, which prevents the formation of kidney stones. And then also given that they contribute good amounts of fiber which are not only useful for promoting proper bowel function, and easier digestion, but also maintain stable blood sugar levels.

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Furthermore, oranges contribute antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanins (red and dark oranges), which counteract oxidative stress and they help keep you young and the vitamin A, precious for the skin, vision and natural defenses. Then they are a good source of folic acid, niacin and thiamine (i.e. B vitamins), which are fundamental in metabolic processes. Oranges also provide potassium, which is the basis of a healthy heart and muscle function.

Therefore oranges have a protective action on cells against free radicals that cause aging, they help the immune system facilitate the absorption of iron, stimulate the production of collagen. I like to like him with the pulp and not as juice because this way the fibers are lost. And those who suffer from diabetes should eat the white part too which contains fibre, helps avoid glycemic spikes.

How to bring these citrus fruits to the table? You can follow the recipes with oranges from our collection, where you will find many ideas for savory or sweet dishes rich in flavour. And if you want use the whole orange without waste do the orange bread excellent for breakfast, as a snack or as a snack.

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