Home » Adobe wants to use AI to improve the sound quality of videos, separate human voices from background noise, and enhance main information | Txnet

Adobe wants to use AI to improve the sound quality of videos, separate human voices from background noise, and enhance main information | Txnet

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Adobe wants to use AI to improve the sound quality of videos, separate human voices from background noise, and enhance main information | Txnet

Adobe’s Project Sound Lift aims to revolutionize the way filmmakers and creators work with audio. The technology uses artificial intelligence to process and enhance audio recordings, making it easier for users to produce high-quality content.

Traditional audio processing has always been a challenge for filmmakers, with issues such as wind interference, suboptimal microphone placement, and crowd noise affecting the overall audio quality. This can render videos unusable and lead to frustration for creators.

However, Adobe’s Project Sound Lift aims to change this. The technology can split recordings into different audio tracks with just one click, allowing users to separate voices, applause, laughter, alarms, crowds, and other environmental noises. Each track can then be individually controlled and processed to maximize overall sound impact and quality.

The “speech enhancement” technology, which is already available in Adobe applications such as Premiere Pro, is integrated into Project Sound Lift. This further changes the way creators produce and manage studio-quality audio content.

One of the major limitations of past audio AI models was the requirement for clean input sounds, free from background noise and echo. Real-world recording situations rarely meet these conditions, making it difficult for ordinary users to use complex audio tools. Project Sound Lift aims to overcome this limitation by using AI technology to simply separate speech and environmental sounds in daily life scenes.

By dividing speech, applause, laughter, music, and other various noises into different audio tracks, each track can be individually controlled to enhance the quality and content of videos. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to revolutionize the way audio is processed in film creation, making it more accessible and user-friendly for creators of all levels.

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Adobe’s commitment to studying and developing AI technology as an audio processing solution showcases its dedication to making high-quality creations easier for everyone. With Project Sound Lift, the future of audio processing in filmmaking looks promising and exciting.

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