Home » The Government has not responded to the requests of the coffee growers

The Government has not responded to the requests of the coffee growers

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The Government has not responded to the requests of the coffee growers

With the purpose of facing the coffee crisis that the different coffee growers in Colombia are currently going through, the National Coffee Growing Meeting was held with the presence of producers from Nariño, Valle del Cauca, Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío, Antioquia, Tolima and Huila, where A balance was made of all the activities carried out to date to complain to the National Government about coffee prices, production and marketing.

Óscar Gutiérrez, executive director of Dignidad Agropecuaria Colombiana, shared that the coffee growers are preparing again for a demonstration: “The National Government has not attended to or resolved the problems of the coffee growers. There have been many assemblies, many meetings, many forums, many events, etc., but practically nothing about concrete solutions, so after this long year of telling the Government what the problems are and proposing solutions, the Government has not made any decision. “And what we aspire to is to begin from this meeting to prepare a series of coffee social mobilization actions, to see if we can find solutions to the problems.”

Likewise, Gutiérrez stated that they have a proposal regarding the commercial dollar in order to have a coffee dollar that pays better and that is nourished, in large part, with the resources that the Price Stabilization Fund has, as well as with the Government assets so that coffee growers, according to the director, stop showing losses.

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