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more fiber and protein, less fat – breaking latest news

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more fiber and protein, less fat – breaking latest news

by Anna Fregonara

An option that is becoming popular and which brings various benefits in nutritional and environmental terms: for a single avocado, from 70 to over 300 liters of water are needed

The era of avocado toast at sunset. Its soft and creamy pulp, perfect for mashing or slicing on toast, has made this fruit the undisputed symbol of brunch and savory breakfasts for about a decade. But now the avocado, appreciated all over the world, could be replaced by the more humble (and cheaper) peas, also ideal for transforming into guacamole and hummus on toast.

Propriet nutritive

Online research for this new alternative toast, which is becoming very popular in British restaurants, also thanks to its greater sustainability compared to avocado, has seen a surge, also helped by the healthy benefits of this less buttery legume which has traditionally been grown in Italy for millennia . It is already mentioned in the oldest Italian recipe book, the thirteenth-fourteenth century Liber de coquina. Compared to avocado, peas have double the fibre, a natural anti-cholesterol and the main food of the microorganisms of our microbiota, and more proteins, explains Valentina Rossi, nutritional biologist and doctor in Environmental Toxicology, adjunct professor of Oncological Nutrition at the University Milan Bicocca.

Almost no fat

The big nutritional difference, however, lies in the amount of fat. According to Crea data, 87% of the avocado is made up of lipids, although they are “good” fats (67%) friends of the heart, they should be included in a proportionate way in a meal, especially if other condiments such as the precious oil are already used extra virgin olive oil. Peas, on the other hand, are low in fat (between 4 and 8% depending on whether fresh, frozen or canned) so in a balanced dish they should be seasoned with a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil. When buying them in jars, check that there is no sugar among the ingredients and rinse them before consuming them to remove excess salt, used for preservation.

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Transport and water

Unlike peas, avocado is not a native crop. Mexico is the main producer. Avocados must travel approximately 10 thousand km to arrive in Italy and require a large use of water resources: from 70 to over 300 liters of water are needed for one avocado, depending on the more or less arid soil. This fruit now finds suitable climatic conditions in Southern Italy. So we can opt for Italian products, says Rossi.

Other spreadables

One of the often repeated pieces of advice to live long and healthy is to follow the true and varied Mediterranean diet, rich in whole grains, seasonal vegetables and fruit, legumes and little animal protein. Alternatives to avocado or peas to spread are olive pat, chickpea or other legume hummus, dried fruit cream such as almond or sesame, ricotta. In this way the three macronutrients are balanced: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. One last piece of advice. Bread, whether cereal, rye or wholemeal, is always better to toast lightly because it has a lower glycemic increase than fresh, soft and white bread, concludes the expert.

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November 26, 2023 (modified November 27, 2023 | 09:54)

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