Home » Those who always fasted without breakfast perhaps ignore these negative effects and how many minutes to train

Those who always fasted without breakfast perhaps ignore these negative effects and how many minutes to train

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Many wonder if it is preferable to walk, run or cycle on an empty stomach rather than stock up before leaving. After a night’s rest, the body is left with a lower amount of glycogen due to prolonged fasting. There is therefore almost a lack of glucose in the blood so physical activity when insulin levels are low stimulates the use of fats. This is why those who intend to melt abdominal fat and lose weight require fasting workouts and postpone breakfast time. Yet many do not know that women should have breakfast at a different time from men to burn more fat.

Similarly, those who always walk fasting without breakfast perhaps ignore these negative effects and how many minutes to train. In this sense, in many cases the concern of disposing of the excess food of a dinner away from home predominates. It follows that the next morning we try to make up for it with more intense workouts that often involve a considerable increase in the kilometers we cover. There are not a few who wonder how much it takes to walk or run to burn the calories of a pizza. But unfortunately it will not be the extra kilometers that will get you back in shape after a binge as much as a calorie restriction regimen in the following days. Fat mass is not lost by increasing the frequency, load and intensity of aerobic activity.

Those who always fasted without breakfast perhaps ignore these negative effects and how many minutes to train

Some studies confirm that fasting training induces the body to exploit and burn fat during, but also after walking. This means that moving fasted facilitates fat loss because glycogen stores are not sufficient to cope with the effort. However, in the long run there is the risk of causing the phenomenon of muscle catabolism for which it is the muscles that are affected.

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Basically, always practicing fasting sports could cause a loss of strength and muscle mass as a result of protein catabolism. To avoid this, first of all, the activity should not be prolonged beyond 30/40 minutes in order not to subject the body to high stress. It would also be advisable to alternate fasting workouts with those on a full stomach to avoid attacking the muscles and frustrating the efforts. Finally, beyond the time of breakfast we remember that it is better to have lunch and dinner at this time when thyroid hormones and metabolism are at their maximum.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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