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James Webb offers a second view of an exploded star

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James Webb offers a second view of an exploded star

A new high-definition image from the James Webb Space Telescopeā€™s NIRCam (Near Infrared Camera) has revealed intricate details of the Cassiopeia A (Cas A) supernova remnant. This image shows the expanding shell of material crashing into gas shed by the star before it exploded.

Located 11,000 light years away in the Cassiopeia constellation, Cas A is believed to be a star that exploded 340 years ago (as seen from Earth) and is now one of the brightest radio objects in the sky. The recent observation using NIRCam in the near-infrared wavelength has a higher resolution than previous observations, allowing for sharper images and capturing different details.

ā€œWith NIRCamā€™s resolution, we can now see how the dying star shattered when it exploded, leaving behind filaments similar to small shards of glass,ā€ said principal investigator Danny Milisavljevic of Purdue University. ā€œItā€™s really incredible after all these years studying Cas A to now work out those details, which are giving us a transformative view of how this star exploded.ā€

This observation complements previous images taken by the Webb telescopeā€™s MIRI instrument in the mid-infrared wavelength, showing features such as warm dust surrounding the remnant. The new image using NIRCam in the near-infrared wavelength shows the inner layer of the remnant more clearly, helping researchers learn how the star broke apart when it exploded.

The combination of these different wavelengths and resolutions is providing scientists with a deeper understanding of supernova remnants and the explosive deaths of massive stars. The impact of these findings is transforming our view of these cosmic events and opening up new avenues for research in the field of astrophysics.

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