Home » They reinforce the 2023 budget to guarantee the safety of Salvadorans – Diario La Huella

They reinforce the 2023 budget to guarantee the safety of Salvadorans – Diario La Huella

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They reinforce the 2023 budget to guarantee the safety of Salvadorans – Diario La Huella

No The funds for the ministries of National Defense and Security and Justice to continue protecting the Salvadoran population, and foreigners who tour the country, are assured.

To this end, the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, with 64 votes, reformed the 2023 Budget Law, in order to incorporate $296 million that will be distributed among six ministries. The money—from the issuance of credit securities—will allow for continuity in different projects that benefit citizens and address emerging obligations in the last two months of the year.

William Soriano, representative of Nuevas Ideas, pointed out that “a significant amount” will be allocated to two institutions that ensure public safety and that have contributed to reducing homicides, as well as positioning El Salvador as one of the safest nations. from Latin America.

Thus, $36.8 million will be allocated to the Ministry of National Defense to continue implementing the Territorial Control Plan. With the application of this measure, the Government of President Nayib Bukele has had historic achievements such as the dismantling of gangs, the reduction of homicides and guaranteeing the safety of citizens.

A disbursement of $15.5 million will also be made to the Security portfolio, which will be used to finance priority actions that the National Civil Police must carry out to ensure the protection of the population.

Soriano explained that, by approving the resources required by the Government to implement different strategies, the Legislative Assembly has helped the country to record improvements in security every month and that allows citizens to live in a climate of peace.

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The Territorial Control Plan began to be implemented in 2019 and has allowed the dismantling of criminal structures that, for decades, dedicated themselves to murdering, extorting and generating anxiety among the population, without previous governments really working to combat them.

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