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Develop new productive forces to fuel the main engine of industry_Sichuan Online

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Develop new productive forces to fuel the main engine of industry_Sichuan Online

Sichuan Province Achieves Breakthroughs in New Industrial Development

The Central Economic Work Conference held in Beijing on December 11 to 12 has set the tone for the use of disruptive and cutting-edge technologies to spawn new industries, new models, and new drivers in order to develop new productive forces. This directive has had a significant impact on the industrial development of Sichuan Province, which has seen remarkable growth in the past year.

According to the latest statistics, Sichuan’s GDP reached 4,338.7 billion yuan in the first three quarters of 2023, with an actual growth rate of 6.5%. This is an increase of nearly 300 billion yuan and has ranked first among the top six economic provinces in China. The province’s above-scale industries increased by 6.8% year-on-year, driven by the main industrial engine.

Li Qiang, chief engineer of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, stated that the province has made significant efforts in manufacturing, implementing several major industrial projects. These include 44 manufacturing projects with investments exceeding 10 billion yuan, such as the Tongwei Solar Jintang Base. From January to November, investments of 185.7 billion yuan have been completed, accounting for more than 30% of the province’s industrial investment.

Sichuan has been accelerating the formation of new productive forces in the industrial field with a focus on new industries led by technological innovation, new industries generated by business innovation, and new industries spawned by digital integration. This has included investments in cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, quantum information, genetic technology, and hydrogen energy.

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In Chengdu, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements has been listed as the “No. 1 project” of scientific and technological innovation. The city recently established the country’s first innovation platform in the field of medical imaging, aiming to create high-end medical imaging innovation and transformation.

Wu Zhe, Director of Tianfu Jincheng Frontier Medical Equipment Research Institute, emphasized that the innovation platform is not only the source of original innovation but also an accelerator for the transformation of achievements.

The construction of a modern industrial system in Sichuan has not only focused on new productive forces but also on extending the industrial chain. In Mianyang, the local government has focused on attracting investment in key industries, leading enterprises, and advantageous industries. This has led to the signing of 56 new manufacturing investment projects, involving 82.891 billion yuan.

Chen Xu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Mianyang Economic Cooperation Bureau, stated that the strategy of “opening up the market” has led to the successful introduction of several specialized and new projects, effectively promoting the “new track” to become the “main track”.

Not only has the province attracted new investments, but it has also provided financial support to companies facing liquidity difficulties. Sichuan Jingfeng New Materials Co., Ltd. received a preferential loan product, enabling them to overcome funding challenges and successfully put their production line into operation.

Overall, Sichuan is continuing to promote intelligent transformation, digital transformation, and network connection, integrating industry and technology more closely. The province is speeding up the formation of new quality productivity and is unwavering in its commitment to winning the “battle for the coming year” in economic work.

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