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Urgent emergency reform, positive start for the Navile CAU, in Bologna – Health

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Urgent emergency reform, positive start for the Navile CAU, in Bologna – Health

Donini: “Monitoring of the first days of opening confirms that we are on the right path: we are strengthening local healthcare and managing real emergencies in the emergency rooms”
The main reasons for patients’ access to the first emergency care center opened in the regional capital are, in order, general ailments and minor problems (34%), followed by orthopedic trauma (20%), respiratory problems (9%), dermatological ( 7%) and gastro-intestinal (6%). The Cau of Casalecchio di Reno was inaugurated today

December 18, 2023 – A seven days from openingwhich took place last December 11th, on CAU del Navile, il first emergency assistance centre inaugurated in Bologna, confirms the positive trend recorded in the other two CAUs opened in recent weeks in the province, to be precise in Budrio (1 November) and Vergato (8 November): out of 419 accesses, the85% were managed directly by the facility, only 11% were referred to the emergency room.

The sui data is also confirmed as positive waiting timethat is, the time that passes from admission to discharge of patients, which also for the Navile CAU are on average less than two hours per single case.

This is the picture that emerges from the results of the monitoring carried out by the Bologna Local Health Authority, data released on the day ofinauguration of the CAU of Casalecchio di Reno.

The other element that is increasingly highlighted is that people are understanding that CAU newborns are not an alternative to the traditional emergency room, but a specific path for low intensity cases.

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“After the positive start in Budrio and Vergato and the first week of operation at the Navile, we can say that the CAUs in the Bologna area have started off on the right foot – comments the councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini-. In fact, from the data collected so far, it emerges that on average over eight out of ten citizens find a response directly in these structures, and complete their treatment process in less than two hours. The excellent start confirms that the organizational model we have adopted for the management of less serious, low complexity cases, for which the CAU are intended, works well, both in terms of waiting times and in relation to the appropriateness of care. The goal is that emergency rooms can increasingly focus on treating patients in the event of an emergency.”

“We will obviously continue to constantly monitor the situation – concludes Donini -, ready to adopt the necessary corrective measures during construction if necessary, but the start leaves us completely satisfied. I want to thank once again all the staff who work in the CAU for the professionalism and efficiency demonstrated in this start-up phase”.

Data for the period between 11 and 17 December at the CAU del Navile

The CAU of the Navile in the period of monitoring welcomed 419 people. Of these, 45, equal to 11%, were transferred to Emergency room for taking charge; others 358 patients, 85% of casesafter the treatment provided they were invited to continue the path with their own doctor. The rest 4%, you seem to 16 people, instead left spontaneously before receiving treatment. The average waiting time – from acceptance to discharge – was 1 hour and 54 minutes.

Almost all the people went to the CAU on their own initiative (98%), only 4 were directed here by the medical guard, 3 arrived on the recommendation of the 118 operations center and another 2 on the advice of the emergency room.

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Il 65% of accesses it involved people included in the 18-64 age group, 11% for those aged 65-74, same percentage for patients aged 75 or over. The remaining 12% of accesses involved minors.

About thetime of arrival of patients, most of the accesses occurred during the day (44% between 8am and 2pm, 38% between 2pm and 8pm). Another 11% went to the CAU in the evening between 8pm and midnight, only 6% needed the service between midnight and 8 in the morning.

The strong territorial vocation of the CAU del Navile, as for the other centers opened so far in the regional territory, is confirmed by the fact that the 71% of the people arriving are residents of the relevant socio-health district, that is, that of Bologna. Another 12% comes from outside the region and from other districts of Emilia-Romagna, 14% from other districts of the province and the remaining 2% from other provinces of Emilia-Romagna.

The main causes for which the people who went to the Navile CAU are linked to general disorders and minor problems (34%), orthopedic trauma (20%). Respiratory and dermatological problems follow.

The map of CAUs open in Emilia-Romagna

In Emilia-Romagna are 13till today, the CAUs already active: with that of Casalecchio di Reno inaugurated today they rise to four in the Bologna area (the others are Budrio, Vergato e Naval). Four other centers are in the Ferrara area: Comacchio, Copparo, Portomaggiore e Ferraraanother is active at Piacenza. Finally, today the CAU of Emilia final which in the Modena area is added to that of Castelfranco Emilia, left a week ago. Also starting today, two first aid points in Romagna, those of Catholic e Cerviahave been reconverted into CAU.

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