Home » Li Qiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to hear a report on the progress of accelerating the construction of a unified national market, etc.

Li Qiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to hear a report on the progress of accelerating the construction of a unified national market, etc.

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Li Qiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to hear a report on the progress of accelerating the construction of a unified national market, etc.

Li Qiang, the Premier of China, presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on December 18th to discuss and adopt various regulations and strategies aimed at promoting high-quality development in several key areas. The meeting included a report on the progress of accelerating the construction of a unified national market, as well as discussions on disease prevention and control, and the approval of several regulations.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that accelerating the construction of a unified national market is essential for smoothing domestic circulation and promoting the construction of a new development pattern. The meeting called for speeding up the improvement of basic systems in market access, property rights protection, and transactions, among others. It also emphasized the need to carry out in-depth special rectification of issues such as market segmentation and local protection.

In addition, the meeting reviewed and approved the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting High-Quality Development of Disease Prevention and Control,” highlighting the importance of reshaping the disease control system and improving disease control capabilities. The meeting also emphasized the need to improve the joint prevention and control working mechanism and strengthen the capacity building of infectious disease monitoring and early warning.

Several regulations were also reviewed and approved during the meeting, including the “Regulations on Safety Production in Coal Mines (Draft),” the “Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations and State Council Decisions (Draft),” and the “Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on the Management of Ozone Depleting Substances (Draft).” The meeting called for the effective implementation and enforcement of these laws and regulations.

The meeting also addressed the recent heavy rain, snow, and cold wave weather that has occurred in many places across the country, impacting people’s production and daily lives. The meeting stressed the need to carry out prevention and response efforts with a sense of responsibility and to ensure energy security and stable prices of important people’s livelihood commodities.

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Overall, the meeting discussed and adopted various measures aimed at promoting high-quality development in areas such as market construction, disease prevention and control, and regulatory compliance. It also addressed the need to address recent extreme weather events and their impact on the population.

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