Home » Milei will explain the “mega-DNU” on the national network and send the package of laws to Congress

Milei will explain the “mega-DNU” on the national network and send the package of laws to Congress

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Milei will explain the “mega-DNU” on the national network and send the package of laws to Congress

President Javier Milei will speak this Wednesday on the national network to explain the scope of the “mega DNU” of economic deregulation, while at the same time he will make official the call for extraordinary sessions for the remainder of the week and will send to Congress the package of laws, which It will include the temporary restitution of the Income tax to provide income to the provinces.

Milei decided to shoulder the communication of the founding decree of his government, with which he will seek to debureaucratize the economy. According to him, the law could include a broad labor reform and issues such as the repeal of the rental law, passed just two months ago.

At the same time, the president will call extraordinary meetings to enable the processing of his first bills. Everything indicates that it will not finally be an “omnibus law”, as was initially handled, but that it will be fragmented by themes to facilitate negotiations and divide them in both chambers.

“Surely tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at the latest, the package will come in and be sent to the corresponding committees to be dealt with as soon as possible,” the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, confirmed to the press accredited to Congress. He became a regular at cabinet meetings at Casa Rosada.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, in a meeting with journalists (Photo: HCDN)

Although he did not provide details on the amount or the fine print of the projects that will be included, Menem confirmed that the Executive Branch will seek to temporarily replenish the fourth category of Profits, in order to compensate the provinces for the reduction in collection. since it is a co-participating tax.

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In that sense, Menem ruled out progress in the sharing of the Check tax, as demanded by a group of eight Peronist governors led by Axel Kicillof from Buenos Aires as an alternative to maintain the Profit Law without defunding the provinces.

On the other hand, the head of Deputies questioned whether the package includes electoral reforms such as the elimination of PASO or the single ballot. “It may come in, but the important thing is the reforms in economic terms. The economic is the priority, given the seriousness of the situation that Argentina is experiencing,” he said.

Once the call for extraordinary sessions is finalized and the projects are sent, the commissions that have to intervene in the debates will be formed. Menem reiterated that the ruling party is willing to work in both January and February, and announced that officials will “surely” attend Congress to explain the scope of the reforms.

At this time, the blocks are dedicated to defining the integration and presidencies of the commissions. La Libertad Avanza seeks to stay with those considered “governability”, such as Constitutional Affairs, Budget and Finance and General Legislation, but it depends on the negotiations with the opposition.

In that sense, in Unión por la Patria (which is the first minority) they are waiting for concrete signals from the ruling party to begin negotiations, while another sector of the opposition sealed in the last hours a “parliamentary agreement” to gain volume, promote an agenda together and fight for more places on the commissions.

These are the blocks We do for Our Country, led by Ignacio García Aresca from Córdoba; the Civic Coalition, headed by Buenos Aires native Juan Manuel López; Cambio Federal, the space led by Miguel Pichetto; and Federal Innovation, chaired by Pamela Caletti from Salta. Together, they total 32 deputies.

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The first step of this new space, which has as references the governors of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora, and of Salta, Gustavo Sáenz, will be to propose Nicolás Massot as a member of the strategic Bicameral Legislative Procedure Commission, which analyzes the validity constitutional of the DNU, like the one that Milei will dictate.

“We joined forces to improve our participation in the discussion of all issues, starting with the package of measures in extraordinary sessions and then continuing with the dynamics of Congress,” a deputy who worked on that federal assembly told this medium.

The same source indicated that they will work “based on a spirit of collaboration around guaranteeing governability, but also guaranteeing that the federal agenda is respected.”

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